Upping my Paxil prescription has really seemed to help. My doc feels this new higher dose will keep me from getting to the lows. I also try to walk often. What are you specifically doing for yourself?

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Hi Jackie,
Could you share what homeopathic remedies have helped you to feel settled? I have a difficult time with this even though I do take med drugs for it. I've tried a few homeopathic things with no help but I know there is a big difference in dose and strength with these aids.
I also just realized I did not respond to your question about Chris Irwin CDs. I want to get them viewed again before I pass them on. Just need to take the time and get my CD player working. We just got a new comcast box thing and now I don't know how to view my own CD's on it. Modern technology!!! I'm not keeping up.
The three I have are The Language of the Lunge, The Horse In-Hand, & The Round Pen Redefined~The Evolution of the Revolution.
Any of those interest you?
Hope you have a great day and wonderful ride!

I really can't tell you one that would be guaranteed to help.
What I did is buy EVERY homeopathic combination remedy that had ANYTHING to do with mental problems (depression, anxiety, stage fright, nightmares, "the blues", etc.) that I could find. Most did not help me much. The first time around I found one combination remedy that helped, then I went down the ingredient list, and tried as single remedies the ingredients that were different from the other combination remedies. The third ingredient I tried was the one that worked, and I use it in 30C, one pill every 4 to 6 weeks. It usually takes the single remedy 2-3 days to work fully.
You CANNOT take homeopathic remedies all the time (as in daily.) I have read that if you take a combination remedy daily for weeks or months, eventually the combination remedy will stop working. If you take a single remedy too often or too long, you can develop some side effects, and it essentially stops working as well.
I rarely take a combination remedy more than once a week. Sometimes I don't need it again for around six weeks.
I rarely take the single remedy more than once a month, though I prefer waiting six weeks.
My personal favorite combination remedies are "The Blues" from Newton Homeopathics, and "Depressaquel" from Nature's Sunshine.
When you decide about the Chris Irwin CDs, I am interested in all of them, but warning--I may have to save up the money when you decide what you want for them. If you need to sell them quickly go ahead if you find a buyer with ready money.
I sympathize with your problems with the ever changing technology. I have the same problems.
I am having some problems with my MS now, but I had a wonderful (if slow) ride today. We had a thunderstorm early this morning, then it cleared, so I spent a half-hour happily walking around working to get Mia to go through puddles. She is improving with this, it just takes time.
those are on the free videos on loine too.... I love the Horse in Hand..... and next I'm on to the Language of the Lunge.
I'll have to watch the free videos and see if they have 'all' the same stuff that the not-free videos have. I don't know which is the case. Guess I can't know till I see both.
My doc put me on Abilify, and when that didn't pan out, I am now on Effexor, and it seems to help tremendously.
If you ever go off of the Effexor be sure to do it VERY slowly. The withdrawal is hell if you go off too quickly. Google "effexor withdrawal." It is NOT an experience I ever wish to repeat.
Here is an update, upping the Paxil to 3 pills put me in the emergency room. I was bonkers crazy. The bill was over $9,000 for all the bloodtests, etc and care they had to give me. I am on something that works for me right now. Yeah!!
I understand the relief from getting an effective medicine, its happened to me, but the problems often come after taking it a while or upping a dose. I won't take SSRI's because they cause a persistent and very noticeable tremor in my hands. I told the doctor it wouldn't do because I would not be able to keep contact with the horse's mouth.
Which is why I love the homeopathic remedies, if you get a side effect you can just stop taking it, no horrible reactions requiring hospital visits, and when the homeopathic combination remedy works I just feel normal, something that never happened to me on the SSRI's and tri-cyclic antidepressants my doctors tried on me. I also do not have to use them every day, often once a week does it.
I am glad you recovered from your Paxil event and that you are on another medicine that works.
Nice to hear from you. Yes, this stuff is doing the trick for me. I am so blessed. Bi Polar depression is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Take care, sweetie.
The power of horses is that they deflect our focus from ourselves as bipolar/anxious or pathologized beings to our identity as horse people, or strength-based beings. As we all know because of herd behavior folks who behave in an insecure manner around horses get bullied quickly. As a result horses teach us security and personal strength just to co-exist with them. While it is not the intention of mental health professionals to disempower their clients it can often be the unintended consequence of diagnosis and certain kinds of treatment. If it occurs, hear the diagnosis, dialogue with your practitioners, get your meds. right for you and remember that you are in the drivers seat and your mental health team works for you. Your expectations can be that with hard work, and good treatment that your best self will come shining though. Bipolar and Anxiety states can create a state of mind that makes it difficult to express preferences. Remember people are herd animal too, and never forget what the horses have taught you.
Laura Coffey- thriver of Bipolar I and Narrative Therapist
I am a firm believer in medications for treating depression and anxiety disorders. However exercising regularly at the gym also makes a big difference for me. It especially helps in the winter time when I'm not as active outdoors as in the summer.
I take Abilify,& Lexapro( one of the less activating SSRI's). In my arsenal I also have Adavan as needed for anxiety( the Adavan usually stale dates before I use it) and I use Ambien for sleep. Additional like many Bipolar folks I have comormid ADHD so I take Adderall to control those symptoms. Be careful with upping Paxil, if you start to feel too good (high) it's a symptom of hypo-mania and your meds. need to be re-evaluated immediately.


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