I am wondering if there are any other mature riders who have come back to riding after many many years in the wilderness (or wheelchair in my case) thanks to the wonder of baroque horses trained in the true classical manner?

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Myself, I started riding in my late 40s. Never rode before that. I bought a baroque horse specifically because of their character and personality.

I have come back to riding after a 15 year hiatus for career, husband reasons, living in NYC. I am riding TBS, a pinto, and will soon be starting my OWN Morgan X Fresian in dressage. I am very excited about him. I can work the TBs and get along with them very well, and some of the WBs, if they are not TOOO big; as I am only 5ft 2". I love some of the Barogues because they are so beautiful and kind hearted and not too big.
I also have a morgan-friesian cross. I highly recommend them esp for the older female rider. My mare has made mare lovers out of mare haters!! I recently boarded her over the summer at a race horse farm with breeding stallions and the staff was sad when I took her back home. The can be a little difficult to get started in dressage b/c they are a pulling breed so you have to ride them with lots of effective half-halts from the seat but drive them into the halt, or they will constantly fall on the forehand (hence the pulling forward). But, I can't think of a kinder, more gentle breed of horse for the older rider, or any rider for that matter.


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