What are you looking for in a horse? What is your favorite breed? Height? What do you like to do with your horse?

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for me it's basic, movement and mind.

i don't have a favorite breed as long as the horse has three quality gates.

i don't have a favorite height as long as i fit the horse.

i most enjoy riding to music! :) angelea
Hi, Angelea,!
I adore Arabians. Though not as perfect a riding horse as a TB, the Arab is a hot-blood, unusually sensitive, responsive,intelligent and Arabs seem to LIKE humans if well treated. The good points of the Arabs more than make up for their defects in the conformation department, and everything works well together so the horse can produce wonderful movement.
Also the Arab is a short breed. The last few years I've ridden equines from a 13.2 to 18.2, and I feel more comfortable on the smaller horses, 14 to 15 hands.
My next favorite breed is the TB. GREAT movers when ridden properly. If I had unlimited wealth I'd look for a 14.2 to 15 hand TB for variety from riding Arabs. TB's can become excellent partners, but it takes a lot of work and good riding.
I would also consider an Anglo-Arab.
I do not recommend these breeds of horses for beginners or casual riders as they operate best under skilled riders.
Since I am limited to ring riding due to my MS, I do not do exciting things. I ride for 1) physical therapy, 2) improving my riding skills, 3) improving how the horse moves, and 4) interaction with a professional horseperson.
I would look for a SANE horse, preferably calm and forgiving. I want an active and relaxed long striding walk, I want to see those front feet REACH ahead with a freely swinging shoulder with the hind legs moving like pendulums. Sound of course. Green broke or better, but no matter what stage of training the horse would have I would start all over from the beginning. This is the quickest way to get to where I want to end up.
well as i age(50 now) i used to love a challenge,now i am wanting a stready ride that doesnt want to rub me off on trees,,lol. Still love going up and down unknown trails and doing the nature thing with me and my trusty steed.
i agree with Angelea, horses with a good mind and movement. But i also like horses that are curious, always wanting to learn more, and have a puppy-like personality and would sit in your lap if you gave them the chance. Thats my perfect horse.

if any one finds one, let me know :)
Hi, all. I don't have a particular favorite breed of horse so long as it's a GOOD horse, but I've preferred QHs and OTTBs for many years now. I prefer 16 - 16.2hh though I've ridden everything from 40" ponies when I was young and skinny to 19hh+ drafts. I've tried many things and now with an active young child, I mostly trail ride and try for Dressage lessons when I can, and prefer just a quiet, sane mount for the same reason these days. I like personable horses who like to be fussed over and hugged by me & my 9 year old, too - no matter the breed. I lost my OTTB last December so I've been looking at everything from Hafflingers to OTTBs to find another one like that!
no brainer, always a TB for me , as I'm still eventing. But I do have a lot of different breeds in the school, Appys, Welsh Mountain, QH , and a couple of Hinze 57 variaties. A lot of horses come through the yard , the ones that stay are not nesesarly the best convormed but deffinatlly the best temperment. If they were people, they would be people you would like to sit down and have a beer with and be your mates!!
I just love the two I have..... don't hardley know very many horses at all..... they are not perfect, but nobody disputes that they are mine.... I guess I just practice husbandry and learning a little bit as I go along. Toby is a 27 year old quarab, a born domesticated horse, but my other horse Oliver, he is a mustang, off the range..... I've had him since he was 8 weeks old, orphaned as a baby..... who knows if I'd pick these horses if buying... so I just love to love what I got, I'm thankful to have horses and I'm learning all the time.... toby and I take hand walks with my dogs,he taught me to ride for 4 years, but he doesn't like to go alone under saddle.. I guess he thinks I'm a spaz and he gives me a hard time... he is having hard times on the hills so I walk him on the street a half a mile down my hilly driveway.... on the flat part, and Oliver I don't take anywhere yet...he's a brat and wild... I have my trainer come and deal with him, he's broke to ride and goes on long trail rides with my trainer who is putting the miles on him for me for later .... he is who I practice ground work on till I trust him more... he's 4.... and docile and sweet, but he's a clown and he likes to play. He is definitely four and a mustang and I am a sorta novice, so it is what it is...
Temperment,conformation,movement ,and a willingness to please and eagerness to learn.
I will forgive some conformation faults in favor of a good mind and pleasant attitude,however the horse has to have good bone, good feet and legs and a well balanced body-height is only as important as the rider-I personally favor the shorter horses 14.3 to 15.2hh mostly cause I am not getting any younger and I still mount without a block-and I don't enjoy hauling my sorry self up to lofty heights anymore.
My favorite thing to do just for down time with my horses is just plain hacking out and enjoying the area where we live.The mountains and valleys of the interior of British Columbia are without a doubt the closest thing to heaven you will ever see and I am so blessed to live in the midst of it...
Replying a bit late to this question, but.... THE STANDARBRED is - in my opinion - a very versatile, intelligent and well put together breed with lots of heart and endurance. And, I am convinced my horse has a sense of humor, which I appreciate very much.
I love my 16.2 standardbred gelding Yankee and when we are not grooming, massaging or putzing around, we like to gymnasticize in the arena or go for a nice ride on the trails.
If you like a tall, bay horse with lots of go, a Standarbred is for you!


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