
Horse Health

A group devoted to sharing their knowledge with others to improve the health and lives of their horses

Location: Mt. Pleasant,SC USA
Members: 30
Latest Activity: Mar 15, 2014

Discussion Forum

Amnion: A Miracle of Birth for Wound Management

I hope we all learn to harvest this amazing part of the placenta for emergency.  There are many articles out there about it, just google amnion equine healing, you won't believe what you read..  I will always harvest at least one a year now.. The…Continue

Started by Michelle C Em Walkin Ranch Jan 8, 2011.

Own a horse? Know someone that does? READ THIS!!! 15 Replies

Here is a brief description of the tendon Fendi has lost (common/long (hind limb) digital extensor tendon).  I suggest we all read the full…Continue

Tags: healing, amnion, fendi, injury, tendon

Started by Michelle C Em Walkin Ranch. Last reply by Michelle C Em Walkin Ranch Jan 8, 2011.

EMS , Equine Diabetes, new symptoms

Can anybody help me with this? My Tennessee Walker/Saddlebred mare has EMS (equine metabolic syndrome), horse diabetes. She was doing really well no laminitus no symptoms. Her diet is grass hay with lunch of  soaked beet pulp, cinnamon, SmartPak IR…Continue

Started by Tracy McDermott Jan 8, 2011.

cushing's disease 6 Replies

hi what do you know about cushing's disease and how to treat it??

Started by vickie lawson. Last reply by vickie lawson May 6, 2010.

Know what is in the hay you feed 1 Reply

I had two horses founder this winter due to, I think, hoary alyssum and some other plants from the mustard family, in hay from a supplier I had not purchased from. I also now have a noxious weed problem in my pasture, weeds from the hay, weeds I…Continue

Started by Ann Hatfield. Last reply by Nicole Salo Oct 6, 2009.

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Comment by Tracy McDermott on June 22, 2010 at 11:36pm
Vickie: Only the human race has the quality of mercy. When there are no lateral alternatives to give an animal peace is the ultimate gift. If your daughter is present when the horse is put down she will never be afraid of it again, there is instant peace and highly preferable to thrashing around unable to stand up.
Comment by vickie lawson on June 22, 2010 at 10:27pm
we did the bloods and it definitely is cushings. we have her on chaste tree berry extract, but i have noticed a real decline this week. she isn't holding her weight well. she is on a commercial old horse extruded feed and i have increased it but don't have high hopes of success. i need to get my daughter to see that sometimes the kindest thing is to let them go.
Comment by Tracy McDermott on June 22, 2010 at 8:59pm
Vickie: Be sure that Cushings Disease has been diagnosed. It is a tumor on the pituitary gland in the brain. You must have blood drawn to determine if it is Cushings and not EMD, Equine Metabolic Disorder, or pre-diabetes in horses. Cushings can be slow to develop but not stopped, EMD can be stopped.
Comment by Tracy McDermott on June 22, 2010 at 8:54pm
Jeanne: You need to have an ultrasound of the tendon to determine if it is torn or detached. Detached it can be surgically re-attached, torn (?% of tear) it takes a long time and bi- monthly ultrasound. It is very painful so don't go working the horse to see just how bad it is. Stall rest or paddock without excitement, anti- inflammatory soak (epsom salts, dmso, warm water hydrotherapy -just rubbing then linament) keep the weight down, hand walk every day, no trot just walk. Use a vet that treats either endurance or sport horse injuries.
Comment by vickie lawson on June 22, 2010 at 7:59pm
i recall from vets that this injury is a serious one and will take a lot longer, if it heals completely.... best of luck.
Comment by Jeanne Aiblinger on June 21, 2010 at 6:55pm
Hi. Can anyone tell me what to for an injured inner flexor tendon on the front leg of my. So far I have been told rest is what the horse needs and it has been nearly three months. Some days she is fine and on other days she is lame. When she is lame she keeps her foot slightly forward so as to not put pressure on the back of the hoof. There is no swelling and she is not very sensitive to the touch. Is there a cure?
Comment by vickie lawson on May 4, 2010 at 5:52am
where will i find the most up to date info on treatment of cushing't . thanks.

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