
In Loving Memory

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Latest Activity: Jun 23, 2016

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Comment by Sindy on February 10, 2014 at 2:45pm

I wanted to leave a comment about my horse Bud.  He was a grade appaloosa draft cross and the best horse a girl could have.  I lost him Aril 4, 2013 and I still miss him every day.Buds Tribute


Comment by Margaret Porkolab on December 16, 2012 at 10:01pm
I didn't loose a horse or pony lately but a good friend one year ago today. He was a true horseman. A legend in my eyes. Erie was from the Niagara Region. We will miss him always.
Comment by Debra McDaid on January 17, 2011 at 6:08pm
P.S. this is a pic of Indy
Comment by Debra McDaid on January 17, 2011 at 6:07pm

I would like to honour a horse for a friend of mine.  My best friend found Benji when he was 18 months, and had him for 20+ years, he was a great horse for her, and a stud that left lots of his colts behind to make their mark in many people's lives.  He was there for Catherine through thick and thin, and she was there for him.  She once told me that where Benji (and Indy her Benji son) were, was home, it didn't matter what address they all shared.  Benji was her family and when she had to put him down just before Christmas this year, I can only imagine how that felt.  She like he, is full of grace, and took it as well as can be expected, going on to look after the others in the barn, with her grand old gentleman gone.  She has Indy to remind her of the old man, but Benji is gone none the less.

May the horse gods smile on you Benji (Disraeli).


debra%27s%20little%20friend.jpglove wherever you are: Deb, Che and Tattoo


Comment by Nicola Barnes on January 17, 2011 at 11:21am
I'm really sorry to hear that. :( Hope you get a strong bond with your horse! :)
Comment by Shimmer E on January 15, 2011 at 10:48pm
It's been six months now since I lost my boy.  Although everything is settled and I have a new horse at the barn to ride and work with, I still miss him and the incredible bond we shared.  Will riding ever be the same?  I've decided this year to not coach, not teach and just to do everything I can to enjoy riding again, to fall in love with it all over.  I'm going to try cross country, even though I don't jump anymore, I'm going to ride some more western pleasure on my little mare, take the girls out to shows all over the place, ride sidesaddle and enjoy my friends. 
Comment by Nicola Barnes on August 13, 2010 at 12:43pm

This is a picture of "her". Her name is Storm. She is a complete mix bred. She has QH, TB and Arab. Don't ask me! :)
Comment by Nicola Barnes on August 13, 2010 at 12:38pm
I haven't 'lost' any horses but I guess having them lame AND far away counts? I can't spend time with her any more really. :( But on the odd occasion I ride her bareback at a walk for a few mins or I groom her! :)
Comment by Debra McDaid on July 31, 2010 at 3:12pm

This is Ryan, and the lighter bay is Hoppy (Sonos Springalong)
Comment by Debra McDaid on July 31, 2010 at 3:05pm
Hi I wanted to take a moment to remember two horses of ours. Hoppy who we raised got back again and died to mysterious causes a short while later. And Willow Ryan who died racing on the day before Easter Sunday. He was well loved and respected for many years. My family loved him, and we kept him for much longer than we could afford him. He would share a bite of whatever you had, play trucks with my then 2 year old son, and with his stuffed toys... Ryan's head was bigger than Ned at the time! He was a horse that had been severely abused and we had worked with and loved with all our hearts so while he became an amazing race horse, we loved him for just being himself first and foremost. He would share a beer and pizza with us, and lightly and relentlessly paw unless you shared, and he couldn't be held by his lines or he would pannic from fear, but if I walked in front of him he would follow me into hell and back. I broke him to race again by hugging his head and hidding his eyes in my arms and I held him as he died when we had to have him dystroyed... a part of me died that day, and it can never be healed... but life goes on and Ryan will always be in my memories and in the hearts of all those who knew him. When we saw a fellow horseman the day after he died, he said, "Ryan was a class act." That he was, he came from a line of Champions and it showed.

I have lost many horses, in many ways, the racing world is harsh and it's the part I hate. But trying to afford to keep them without it was impossible. I loved them all but some were just 'more special', I can't explain it better than that.

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