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Latest Activity: Jan 31, 2013

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Comment by Shae-Lyn DeSousa on July 25, 2010 at 12:07am
Have you tried going to a local tack shop and looking to find a shampoo specifically for white tails?

A staff member would probably know alot of different products, and would know which was the best effective.

-Hope this helps,
Comment by Sissi Wagnerberger on March 30, 2010 at 2:44pm
How do i get a grey horses tail really really white???
My grey mares tail is like a greyish yellowy color and i cant get it clean. I have tried lots of different shampoos and 2 types of stain removers but its not really working anyone got any tipps????
Comment by Sissi Wagnerberger on February 13, 2010 at 2:42am
the mane has to be kept long and absolutley no plaiting or braiding. so yea cant do that im just going to make her bridle path a little longer.
Comment by Jan Jollymour on February 12, 2010 at 10:47pm
Hi, Sissi:

I don't know if roaching is legal when showing minis, but that's what I would probably do. You can try pulling so that it's mostly all the same length, and then you could braid what's left, which would at least make it tidy. If you opt for re-growing it try rubbing white vinegar into the roots of the mane every couple of days to stop the itching. We use it on tails if they rub them, and it really works.
Comment by Sissi Wagnerberger on February 8, 2010 at 1:01am
HELP!!! I have a mini mare and i have been showing her but she keeps rubbing half her mane off i really dont know what to do and she just looks pretty silly at the moment with a few strands of hair! any ideas of what i can do? I have tried keeping a cover with a neck cover on her and slinky hoods but she still keeps doing it she just puts her head thru the fence and then it just rubs her mane so she dosent do it on purpose i guess it just happens.
I have a show in 2 weeks and i really dont know what to do with her!!!

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