Winter Sport Horse Auction in Calgary, AB at Woodline Equestrian on March 7-8, 2009. There are already tons of quality Hunter/Jumper Sport Horses registered, so whether your looking to buy or sell, this is the event for you!
I have been a low level eventer. The past two years I haven't been out as the green horse I had bought has been having soundness issues. He's fine during the winter then does stupid stuff just in time for the show season. I am actually selling him next weekend and have lined up a 11 yr old Trakener to buy who I have known for the past 8 years and has never been unsound. I may continue with low level eventing or carry on with dressage. Where are you located?
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Karen Minchuk
Contact email :
Phone: 403-201-1500
Winter Sport Horse Auction Calgary, March 7-8
You look like you event. Are you in Ontario? Who coaches you?