Started riding late in life and have developed a strong passion for anything horses!
Love my daughters first, then my horse!
I also enjoy making and selling Cowgirl Jewelry and Rhythm Beads for Horses.
I have a little online business going on ETSY...a site for handmade items.
This came about out of neccessity for wanting the BLING that I needed in Western Pleasure Showing.
Check out my site.....
I love to garden, have a knack for interior decorating, and love to be very creative with anything that I can make beautiful!
My true passion is owning and caring for the "love of my life" right horse, Danny!
Each day I just take a look at various video sites after punching in some key horse-related words to see what's listed. I too am always amazed by what is out there! Glad you enjoy the videos and I hope to be posting more!
Well then welcome back!!! I love this site too, especially all the videos and articles that are so readily available.....and of course the horse people. Us horse lovers must stick together :D
Good to here from you girl, I'm not too computer wise myself so I know how you feel. I have enough problems with spelling let alone something electronic.
It looks like we're both Barnmice newbies. Are there others from the area as well? Dan the man looks like my Patch at least from the poll down and what a good lookin' guy he is. Thanks for sayin' Hi.
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