Lorna Leeson's Blog – January 2015 Archive (3)

Horse Photo Challenge

Many, many moons ago, I would regularly take part in photo challenges and the likes, posting my extremely amateur results over on my other blog...

Being that I mostly see horses every day, with the occasional Donkey thrown in the mix for good measure, I have been on the look out for a 'Horsey' themed photo challenge for some time now... To absolutely no avail!…

January Horse Photo Challenge#SFSHorsePhotoChallenge


Added by Lorna Leeson on January 16, 2015 at 7:14am — No Comments

Putting Your Riding Under The Spotlight

This weeks lesson is a little bit different... I hope you enjoy!

One of the biggest disadvantages to riding alone is the fact that while you may think and feel like you are doing everything correctly, there is a big chance that in actual fact you are not.

Many riding centre's and equestrian facilities install mirrors in the arena for this exact reason; however that can be a pricey solution...

Today, I present you with a much easier, cheaper solution that you can use…


Added by Lorna Leeson on January 13, 2015 at 5:00am — No Comments

Improving Your Ride with the Half Halt

The half halt is possibly one of the most important, and yet most underutilized tools, particularly where novice riders are concerned.

This weeks lessons are designed to make you more conscious of how often you are using your half halt and improving every ride by doing so.

Improving You Ride with Half Halts

So, firstly, why do we use the half halt?

The half halt can be used for a couple of different reasons;

  1. Balancing or 'steadying' your horse
  2. Letting your horse…

Added by Lorna Leeson on January 12, 2015 at 10:00am — No Comments

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