Julie Goodnight's Blog (35)

Ensuring the Proper Release With Your Canter Aid


Added by Julie Goodnight on February 5, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

Improving Your Horse Riding Position

What's the best way to improve my riding position?

We have talked in previous posts about the importance of a balanced position with ear-shoulder-hip-heel alignment and open and relaxed joints that allow the rhythm of the horse to flow through the rider. Proper position unites the balance of horse and rider, giving the picture of a team moving as one. If I were to guess at the single most common equitation error I see, what immediately…


Added by Julie Goodnight on January 22, 2010 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

How To Properly Use Spurs

Dear Julie,

My understanding is that spurs are to be used to back up a request if the horse is not responding or to make a cue more clear as in lateral work. It is hard for me to picture how to not have the spur contact the horse, especially in the most forward position when cueing with one's leg. In general, should leg cues be given with the inside of the calf to avoid hitting the horse with the spur rather than turning the heel inward?





Added by Julie Goodnight on January 8, 2010 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

Understanding the Truth About Bits

Dear Julie,

My question to you is what is your opinion of Myler bits? I came across a book recently that talked about the Myler comfort snaffle. I was surprised to learn that not all snaffles are exactly what they are supposed to be. The reason I'm asking is my horse Montana is in a D-ring snaffle. I have noticed at times him pulling the reins and opening his mouth. Even when I put him in the round pen with saddle and head stall on he does the same thing and I'm not even on him. It…


Added by Julie Goodnight on December 25, 2009 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

How to Become a Professional Horse Trainer

Dear Julie:

I have a 13 year old daughter who has been in 4H Pony Club since she was eight years old. She has become a great rider and is interested in learning how to become a professional rider of reining, cutting...or any western type horses in shows. What kind of advice would you give her as far as working towards that goal? She dreams of making it into the NRHA Reiner publications someday. She is also interested in becoming a clinician and has already begun training young horses…


Added by Julie Goodnight on December 11, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Gain Your Horse's Respect and Become the "Leader"

I need advice for my daughter and her horse. My daughter is 10 years old and very interested in riding, however she lacks confidence in riding. Her horse has come to figure this out. Cheyenne is a very sweet and gentle horse and a tad bit on the lazy side. I would like to find out information or suggestions on how to teach my daughter to win her horse's respect and have him respond to her commands. When she asks him to walk he refuses. He cocks his back leg and stands there no matter…


Added by Julie Goodnight on November 27, 2009 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Choosing the Right Coach for Your Child

I am the parent of an 11-year-old girl who is serious about horses. She's been riding for 5 years in California, and we just moved to Michigan. For two months now, I've been looking for a good stable and instructor. Her former teacher in CA was CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) certified. Should I be limited to finding a CHA certified instructor? What other questions should I be asking to insure her safety with a new instructor? My daughter is riding English with focus on…


Added by Julie Goodnight on November 13, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Tips to Improve Your Horse Training Sessions and Seat Position

Hello Julie,

I was wondering about the appropriate length of time that a training session with your horse should last. I realize that a lot of that depends on the difficulty of what you are teaching your horse and where your horse is in his learning life. But if I was having a regular, nothing-dramatically-new, riding or lunging session with my horse should I expect him to stick with me for 30 minutes, 60 minutes or what? I want my horses to enjoy our sessions together so I don’t…


Added by Julie Goodnight on October 30, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

Explaining Rein Aids

Dear Julie,

Please explain to me the rein aids for English and Western. I would like to know which ones to use for each discipline and what is the difference. For example, direct and direct opposition, indirect and indirect opposition? And how do you use these in riding?


Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for the excellent questions. I find this is an area that is vaguely understood, at best, by the average horse person. First of all, as far as the…


Added by Julie Goodnight on October 16, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

Bringing a Horse Back From an Injury

Hello Julie,

My horse has been off all summer due to an injury and I would like suggestions as to how I can get him in shape for spring. I will work with him all winter and need help with a plan. Can you help us?

Thank you,



When a horse has been laid off for a year or a season due to an injury, you'll want to start slowly in his reconditioning program and build over time. Assuming you've had this horse cleared by a vet to start…


Added by Julie Goodnight on October 2, 2009 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

Techniques to Help with Needle Shy Horses

Hi Julie,

We have a 2 year old filly who weighs in at about 1000 lbs. We have done all kinds of groundwork exercises and desensitization exercises with her. She is golden...until its time for immunizations. She will not tolerate a needle. She is getting hurt in the process, as are the people around her. We even tried snubbing her (tying her to a post and squeezing a gate against her). I thought she was going to break her neck or tear the barn down. We are running out of…


Added by Julie Goodnight on September 11, 2009 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

Dealing With Horses On Stall Rest

Hi Julie,

I have just started to care for a 5 year old Irish Draught x TB - he has a tendon/tendon sheath injury and was about to be put to sleep by his previous owner, due to lack of time and money and the possibility that he may not be able to be ridden again. He has been stabled now for three months and apparently has not been behaving very well in his 12 foot x 12 foot stable (he is 17.2 hh).

I have moved him to a much larger stable in a quiet yard and he seems much…


Added by Julie Goodnight on August 28, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Tips for Loading a Difficult Horse

Hi Julie:

I just recently purchased a horse in October this is my first horse and boy I am not starting off very well. This horse was 200lbs underweight when I got him so to say the least I baby him (oops). He has successfully gained 100lbs and I am very excited. He is a very loveable horse and has no bad habits except for the following. My first problem is every time I saddle him I cannot get him to walk as soon as I say walk he will for only a second and he immediately goes into a…


Added by Julie Goodnight on August 14, 2009 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

Managing a Stressed Horse at Horse Shows

Hi Julie,

I am writing from Pretoria South Africa. My daughter recently attended her first show jumping event. Her horse boxed (trailered) without major problems and also traveled well. At the event this well-behaved, sweet horse, turned into a very nervous rearing animal. We could not control her and needless to say my daughter could not compete. According to her riding instructor, from whom we purchased the horse, she came off the track two years ago after being pushed very hard.…


Added by Julie Goodnight on July 31, 2009 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Explaining the Rein Aids for English and Western

Hello Everyone!

People send me riding and training questions from all over the world and I look forward to sharing some of my answers with all of you!

Dear Julie,

Please explain to me the rein aids for English and Western. I would like to know which ones to use for each discipline and what is the difference. For example, direct and…


Added by Julie Goodnight on July 17, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

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