I have been in telephone contact with AQHA regarding this video.  The horses are being ridden in violations of the rules for AQHA and NSBA for the class and of the abuse rules.

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Comment by E. Allan Buck on November 2, 2011 at 6:18pm

For those whom might be interested in the protection of WP horses in particular:

These are Youtube video links   horses begin at 3:14 in the video   video on judging in which Alex Ross and others do not address the improper

Comment by E. Allan Buck on November 2, 2011 at 6:15pm

Nov. 2, 2011

As of this date the AQHA has not responded, however, we now have momentum in bringing the sanctioned abuse by AQHA to the public.  A certain organization has agreed to investigate from a legal perspective.

NSBA did respond and is not happy that their rules were violated.

Comment by E. Allan Buck on October 18, 2011 at 10:26pm
Well it has been an interesting past two weeks.  Seems that AQHA/NSNA [American Quarter Horse Association and National Snaffle Bit Association] operate their organizations as does USEF [United States Equestrian Association].

The judges are not required to enforce the rules and regulations.  Especially pertaining to Western Pleasure and Western Riding classes in competition.

And what is interesting is AQHA's refusal to respond to the complaints at all.  NSBA has responded to one individual but not to me, and I am the one who has raised the legal issue of sanctioned horse abuse. Yes, legal issue to wit these organizations and their representatives can be charged civilly and criminally with sanctioned horse abuse.

Time is running out for these organizations to respond.

Comment by E. Allan Buck on October 16, 2011 at 6:26pm
Thanks Jackie.  I am not alone in the public effort but will stand alone in court.
Comment by Jackie Cochran on October 16, 2011 at 6:25pm

Good luck Allan.

Quarter Horses do not deserve this treatment.  They are among the safest horses to put a beginner on anyway.  They do not need to be tortured into slavery to be pretty safe horses to ride.

Comment by E. Allan Buck on October 16, 2011 at 6:21pm

well I have decided that I shall not sit on the arena rail and let this kind of torture take place.

If AQHA does not respond to me this week, then into Federal Court we go and I will shut down ALL of their recognized shows because of sanctioned horse abuse.

Comment by Jackie Cochran on October 16, 2011 at 6:09pm

I have a theory.

The WP trainers finally reached the goal of thousands of horse trainers since the beginning, a training system that makes a horse a perfect slave, totally obedient and unable to rebel, therefore "safe" for anyone to ride no matter how miserable a rider they are.  If head down means the horse's brain is pumping endorphins, then the WP and Rollkur horses go around zonked out to the gills with their own natural opiates, possibly oblivious to pain.  Just think, a way to "drug" horses that will never show up on the drug tests!  The horses may even get addicted to this zonking out, I know I have difficulty in getting horses with any training like this to carry their heads up in a normal position, it is like they only feel secure when their nose is down by their knees.

Of course if my mouth was being violently yanked by a long shanked curb I'd also probably only feel secure when I did what my "trainer" (torturer) wanted.

I think that all the WP and other Western class riders have a deep, deep, deep fear of freely moving horses.  I am so deeply ashamed that the riding system native to my country came up with this abomination.  This (along with the Big Lick TWHs) puts  American horsemanship near or at the bottom of the world. 



Comment by E. Allan Buck on October 16, 2011 at 5:14pm
You got me.   The rules say natural....what is natural about these gaits....???  Or head position, or etc......
Comment by Geoffrey Pannell on October 16, 2011 at 4:36pm

I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THE wp PEOPLE CAN BE SO PLEASED WITH THEMSELVES IN PRODUCING SUCH UN-NATURAL PACES? Sorry about the capitals. I was watching a thing on youtube about a woman that had just won a "World" championship ( not the one's at Lexington last year) and she was saying how nicely her horse goes for her, then we saw the footage of the horse working. Looked like it had a broken back!

Why do the think that these paces are are good? Anyone watching can tell they are un-natural

Comment by E. Allan Buck on October 16, 2011 at 4:19pm
I have been informed that the National Snaffle Bit Assoc. did respond to another individual involved and that they were not happy with the violations and would take steps to fix them.   What is interesting is that AQHA has not responded......

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