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Omega Alpha "Effective Supplements through Science"

natural products for the good health of horses, pets and people!

Just complete the following sentence and be entered to win!

The thing I love most about my horse is______________

Post your answer in a comment box below!

Our contest closes Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at Midnight EST.

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Comment by Mira Lea Tardiff on February 13, 2012 at 10:43pm

My horse, Ulric, is very protective of me and seems to be of the mind that one of his purposes in life is to keep things that he perceives as a threat away from me. Last Autumn, whilst I was approaching the horse pens with my dog, we startled a bull moose that was grazing just outside of Ulric's pen; the moose was no more than 20 feet away from us. My dog started barking, which prompted the moose to charge at us. His route took him through the electric rope of the horse pen. At that point, Ulric, who had been watching from a safe distance, launched himself at the moose with teeth and hooves, and sent him packing.
What I love about Ulric was that he is wasn't afraid to place himself  between me and a 7 foot tall animal with antlers and attitude... Many of my neighbours, who understand moose better than I, insist that Ulric saved my life. I have loved this horse since we first met in 2009; After this experience, how can I NOT love him?

Comment by Laura Boyle on February 13, 2012 at 8:58pm

The thing I love about my horse, is the soft creme winter fuzzies in her ears, and she blows me kisses every day. She is only 10 months old but I feel that we have a great friendship already! :)

Comment by Emma B on February 13, 2012 at 8:55pm

The thing I love most about my horse is the way she nickers every time she sees me.  She seems so happy to see me and it always brightens my day!

Comment by Grace Clairmont on February 13, 2012 at 8:51pm

What I love about my horse is...I just got him about 2 months ago....and unlike any horse i've owned it took him awhile to warm up to me... but now after that 1 month we have built a bond that is truly unbreakable.... he is an amazing hunter but knows when his rider isn't treating him well....hes bucked me off many times already..but he comes over  lets me on him and is the biggest gentleman ever, he knows when its time to give a hint...hes like a person. Just when i  think he's being a brat he puts his head down and just says with his eyes I'm sorry... every day after a lesson he stands perfect and when i put him away he keeps his ears up bats his long gorgeous eye lashes and knows that I'm a sucker for it so he always gets a little treat! We haven't started showing yet but really... i could care less whether or not we won if he gives his all and i screw up or even if its the other way around....i will never ever care... he is an amazing boy and i couldn't have asked for a better horse.

Comment by Bonita Sebestyen on February 13, 2012 at 8:50pm

The thing I Love most about My Horse Lilly is how I feel inside when she walks up to me and looks right in my eyes.  She is the most calming sight in my life.



Comment by Michaela on February 13, 2012 at 8:00pm
The thing I live most about my horse is she's always there to cheer me up and with out a lead rope or anything she follows me everywhere! She is truly a blessing in my life
Comment by Sheila McNaughton on February 13, 2012 at 7:58pm
What I love about my horse is she is always happy to see me and nickers a greeting!
Comment by Dorothy Schauer on February 13, 2012 at 7:49pm

What I love most about Snake is his ability to become so wonderfully soft when he wants attention.

Comment by Layne Stevens on February 13, 2012 at 7:19pm
The thing I love about my horse is how perfectly frank he is. He is one of the most honest horses and I trust him with my life and he never let's me down.
Comment by Annie M. on February 13, 2012 at 7:10pm

The thing I love most about my horse is how he is just as stubborn as I am <3

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