Last post of my training trip :(

My trip has now been finished off with three days at Talland. They were three very good days and as always, I learnt a lot.

Every day this time and last time I was there I rode a mare called Jovie, who I got along well with. She was trained to about Prix St George, which is perfect for me to learn on. She had to be ridden with a very soft contact and mainly from the seat, as if you had too much contact she just went faster and faster! 'Quick-releases' helped her come up in front and stop her leaning on the hand. She was truly awsome though, and on the last day I was the last one riding in the MASSIVE indoor arena and was having a lesson with Pammy. She let me go have fun so off I went; half-passing, flying changing, and canter pirouetting, and I really did have fun! It felt amazing to just go and do that kind of stuff but still make corrections, as she wasn't completely push-button.

The other horses I rode were also schoolmasters, some of which I requested seat-lessons on the lunge with, as the seat is of incredible importance and my goal is to have a seat that is an extension of the horses back, an upper body of steel, and hands of gold. When I get home my training program will consist of at least one seat-lesson a week, trail-riding on the weekends that I can (I did that before I left and Vinnie loved it!), lungeing once a week, and cavaletti and gridwork at least once a week. The gridwork has always been a pretty essential part of my training but it was quite restricted as I didn't know how to jump, but now that has all changed!!!

I really enjoy being at Talland as there is so much going on, and Pammy teaches so many high-level people and runs the centre very professionally. Her and her mother, Molly Sivewright, have been running Talland since Pammy was 10 years old! Mrs Sivewright is so knowledgable, and is someone I would love to stay and talk to all day because she has so many stories about horses to tell and such good advice. I only spent half an hour with her on the side of the arena talking, and then I had to get my horse and ride.
On the day that I left (Friday) she was off to Portugal that night to the European Young Rider Championships, where her son Charlie was competing, and her daughter Pippa is a reserve for the Juniors. Both of them are amazing riders! I will definately be back to Talland.

We leave on Tuesday and I can't wait to get home and start applying my new found techniques to all of my ponies and horse! lol. I also miss my dogs a lot, and seeing all of the english out with their dogs makes me so jealous! We have travelled 2500 miles around England, and it is very beautiful. I can't wait to come back here again!

Thankyou to everyone who has been following my trip through this blog and I hope I have given you an insight to what it's like to ride in faraway places lol. If you have any questions or anything feel free to comment me!

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Comment by kc on July 14, 2008 at 2:43pm
Haha yeh Talland is very good.
No I'm not starting at Hartpury until 2010, if I end up going. Have you been there?
Comment by Chris - resident queen of shops on July 13, 2008 at 9:24pm
Glad you finished your trip on a good note. Talland is fab, great teachers, horses & facilities (& having a cutie like charlie doesn't harm things either ;-) ).

Are you starting at Hartpury this Autumn?

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