Everything we do offers a lesson; & every lesson gives us the opportunity to improve. The improvement could be in what we do, how we do it, or perhaps most importantly, why we do it. Over the years I've slowly discovered that horses have helped teach me most of the stuff that really matters.

These are just a few of the things that make me thankful I live in a world that has horses in it.

Have You Ever …

Had the sight of horses grazing in the early morning mist take your breath away?
Helped a foal come into the world?
Felt a lump in your throat when your horse nickers a "hello" to you from over the fence?
Been bucked off, & gotten back on even though you were scared spitless?
Looked into the eyes of a horse who thought she had nothing to live for?
Just sat next to your horse talking to him/her?
Been captured by that liquid look from a horse who truly appreciates you?
Rescued a runaway?
Gone out for a midnight ride, not bothering to tack up & just rode bareback with a halter?
Soothed a nervous horse?
Awakened to a horse nuzzling your cheek?
Stayed up all night with a colic?
Ridden in a parade?
Held your horse's head in your lap while the vet put her to sleep?
Felt the exhilaration of a fast horse underneath you running at a full gallop?
Dozed in the shade of a tree while your horse grazed close by?
Listened to your horses calling to those in neighbouring fields as they're let out in the morning?
Wondered why some horses whinny at passing horse trailers?
Doctored your horse while dressed up to go out?
Seen a mare risk her own life to save her foal?
Had worry & stress just melt away when you throw a leg over the cantle & settle in for a ride?
Realised that your horse can tell your mood better than you can?
Thought "This is really gonna hurt" as you're falling off a horse?
Let your horse find the way back after you finally admitted you were lost?
Tightened a screw or opened a can with a hoofpick?
Held the reins of a four-in-hand?
Ridden an 11-second 1/8th mile?
Been the first one to ride a particular horse? And realised the monumental responsibility of that?
Felt the flash of inspiration that comes from finally understanding what a horse has been trying to tell you?
Gotten a horse to do something no one else has?
Befriended a strange horse just because he needed a friend?
Felt the fulfillment that comes from complete trust in a horse?
Left the gate open & had to herd horse for hours on end, all by yourself?
Felt the pain of knowing that something you failed to do caused a horse to get hurt?
Scratched one horse while he scratches the other and that horse scratches you?
Taken in an unwanted horse and discovered a true friend?
Watched a horse do a ballet to keep from stepping on the child who fell off underneath him?
Had the feeling someone else’s horse wished he belonged to you?
Modified any piece of tack to accommodate riding with your arm or leg in a cast?
Disciplined your horse only to find out the mistake was yours in the first place?
Just inhaled a horse’s scent?
Watched a horse’s nose start to distort in anticipation of being scratched?
Closed your eyes while riding along & just concentrated on feeling the horse move?
Felt the high from working hard on a certain exercise or maneuver, then suddenly one day you "get it"?
Dropped the reins & let the horse decide which trail to take?
Watched a herd of wild horses running together, as if led by a single mind?
Suddenly turned around to find your horse staring at you, & wondered what was going inside that beautiful head?
Tried to tack up in a hurry & wound up with a bridle so screwed up you had to take it off & start over again? (Or realised after cinching the saddle up that you forgot the pad, or had a stirrup stuck underneath?)
Witnessed a child discover the miracle of equine wisdom?
Had your horse softly touch your arm with his nose, as his way of telling you he’s nervous?
Had a pair of pleading eye's turn to you for reassurance that he's going to be okay after a major injury?
Realized that you can have more than one soul mate? Some just have four legs ...

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Comment by Milo My Arabian on April 11, 2014 at 7:06pm

I love just having all the stress leave when I begin my ride. I have a bit of slight anxiety/stress/panic from school kinda, so horse riding is me escape. love this post!

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