Kevan's Blog (9)

SPCA Workshop - Keeping our Constables Safe During Seizures & Rescues

On November 18th I'll be holding a workshop for the local SPCA constables, volunteers & others in related capacities at our facility in Langley, BC. The focus will be on safety, handling & assessment of potential rescuees.

The session will be videotaped, & upon authorization the video may be made available to other interested offices.

I have an outline drawn up, but I'd like to hear some suggestions from everyone too. What would you like to see in such a workshop?… Continue

Added by Kevan on October 22, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Freeway, the Hawk

On my last load yesterday, I had just turned north onto Highway #99, one of the local freeways in western half of the Fraser Valley. Going only a short distance I noticed what at first appeared to be some sort of stuffed animal left alongside the freeway. As I passed I realized it was not stuffed, but real! I braked as much as I could without upsetting the horse I had on board, and ran back to find a full grown red-tailed hawk sitting thoroughly dazed on the shoulder of the road. He made no… Continue

Added by Kevan on October 13, 2009 at 4:57pm — 3 Comments


The title says it all ... even as aware as I have become about watching those places I go by I miss the obvious.

I've gone by this barn scores of times, often a dozen times a day, never saw much activity around there; the odd horse out front in slipshod paddocks but all seemed to be in fair condition. Nothing out of the "ordinary" for this area; very run-down places, low rent ... maybe that should have been a red flag (if we can't afford to fix anything, can we afford to keep… Continue

Added by Kevan on October 5, 2009 at 7:38pm — 5 Comments

Noel, The Christmas Pony

December 4, 2008

As I was working around the barn today, enjoying the treat of a sunny but chilly day, I received a call from an SPCA constable; could I attend for a seizure right away? I finished up quickly, then headed out to an address in a rural area near Chilliwack. Responding originally to an abandoned dog complaint, the officers had rounded up a number of dogs, left behind in the wake of a tenant moving out. Apparently these folks left in such a hurry, they "forgot"… Continue

Added by Kevan on July 13, 2009 at 11:35am — 2 Comments

Responsible Horse Ownership

In light of recent events I feel compelled to write about "responsible horse ownership". While this may seem best suited for the new or first-time owner, I have seen hard evidence that many "experienced" horse owners may benefit from the following as well.

A common state amongst professionals serving the equine community is one of bewilderment. Many of us visit farms, barns & private acreages, seeing what I describe as "WWYT syndrome"; or, "What Were You Thinking?" While I…


Added by Kevan on February 13, 2009 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments


The following is inspired by "Lily" (I am not using her real name, as I do not want to comprimise the ongoing investigation into the conditions under which she was found); an older Thoroughbred mare with whom I had brief contact. This mare probably had a story common to many OTTB's; a race career, ending for some reason or another; a "rescue" thereafter, only to fall into a state of neglect, depravity & hunger. Subsequent "rescues" followed that, until she came to be taken to a place I'll… Continue

Added by Kevan on October 16, 2008 at 2:11am — No Comments

Make Me Worthy Of My Horse

Make me worthy of my horse,

as I value his trust above all else.

Help me understand his lessons,

for he is far wiser than I.

Let me listen with my soul,

For my ears & eyes miss much.

Guide my hands & make them feel,

for I hold not my friend’s mouth in them, but his heart.

Keep my mind open & willing,

only in this way will my horse & I continue to grow.

Put faith in place of my doubts,

only one… Continue

Added by Kevan on October 16, 2008 at 2:09am — No Comments

Have You Ever ...

Everything we do offers a lesson; & every lesson gives us the opportunity to improve. The improvement could be in what we do, how we do it, or perhaps most importantly, why we do it. Over the years I've slowly discovered that horses have helped teach me most of the stuff that really matters.

These are just a few of the things that make me thankful I live in a world that has horses in it.

Have You Ever …

Had the sight of horses grazing in the early… Continue

Added by Kevan on October 16, 2008 at 2:03am — 1 Comment

The 12 Commandments of Horsemanship

There's not enough room in that saddle for you & your temper.

Your anger makes it harder for your horse to please you, & blinds you to the lesson s/he is offering.

Listen to your horse.

If you're not getting the answer you think you want, try listening for the answer the horse is giving you.



Added by Kevan on October 16, 2008 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

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