So today I mostly worked on my freestyle. We have a Dressage show this weekend at Beban Park and we are doing training lv tests 2 and 4 open, and a training level freestyle. I am very excited about the freestyle, but it has been hard to make it up without any software. I've been watching video of my horse and I and figuring out how long it takes her for each movement (ex. exactly 18 sec per trot circle -- she is super consistant) and then matching music. I'm doing a mix of a bunch of Ray Charles's songs and it is very fun, but not very traditional ;P
Oh well, at Training level it should be fun! Today Nicole and I went for a ride and mostly just walked and trotted a bit. I also had a dressage lesson in town (not on my horse) and worked on parts of the test that Nikki and I ususally get poor scores on... such as our halt, and our straightness on center line... which is usually just one combined mark, but very important.
Tomorrow I'm going to get the music sorted and start packing for the show and cleaning what I can. I still dont know which saddle to use... the one that fits her better or the black one which is better for dressage... hmm. ill probably practice in the black one tomorrow and see how she goes. her back changes a lot as she gains muscle.... she was good today and really calm.
Love her! :)

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