Hello my friends!


I've been busy and so have not been able to post as often as I'd like. Fighting bad guys and stuff like that. So I figured I'd make up for it and give you guys the first look at my latest creation (muahahaha). It's another animated short movie, set in the make believe news broadcast world covering the World Equestrian Games.


I hope you enjoy it as much, or more, than a previous one shown on my blog called Dressage Queen which in 7 days has amassed over 8100 hits and counting. For this one, I paid money so that I have more flexibility with the characters and scenes sofolks don't think anything other than "they're just characters". None of my characters were ever picked to represent any real person, dead or alive.










Okay, after my third attempt and numerous emails complaining to xtranormal it is finally here:






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Comment by Emily Walsh on September 5, 2010 at 9:49pm
Love both your videos!!

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