Just a gently nudge as a new year is hear and we have been receiving quite a few invitations starting in the spring. We even have the chance to participate with our friends in the 6th Ohio Cavalry in the Pegasus Parade in Louisville prior to the Kentucky Derby. Not sure any of our members will be gong, but it would be something.
Hope to hear from you and hoping more to ride by your side.
Hope to be able to ride by your side soon, We have one more event on this side of the Border , the weekend of Sept 20 in Otterville, just outside of Simcoe. A small very friendly event, if you wanted to come out and camp with us, let me know. For next year drill usually starts in April. So far for next year we are planning a one night campain style on the Friday to camp for Sat. morning,
We are about to start a new year, If you wanted to get back into re enacting now would be a good time, Let me know. We have drill set up for 2 weekends in May in the Milton area if you wanted to come out.
Hi yeah had a look :-) thought it was cool especially as we have similar last names! i keep my horse in aylesford :-) not sure if youve heard of that area? :-)
Hey that’s great, If you ever want to get back, please look me up. In the mean time check this you tube out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBCgFdTWLx4. Hey next time you drill let me know I would like to see and may be try out.
I came across your page , and wanted to introduce myself and my hobby.My name is Gary Glaser and I am the mounted commander of the 9th New York Cavalry and live in Binbrook, Ont. not far from the big TO. I am located in the Hamilton. I belong to a group of equine enthusiasts that enjoy living historians and American civil war, we are the 9th NY cavalry.
The Ninth New York Cavalry has been reactivated by ain the portrayal of the life of the Federal Horse Soldier. As a group, we participate in living history encampments, re-enactments, and giving informative lectures throughout the year in both Ontario and the U.S.
Welcome to the wonderful world of horses...I like you came to this later..and have learned so much about myself through the horse...I guess that's why I still love it so much...through lots of frustration, tears, I just keep learning so much from my horses...I took a longtime to learn that trust, and I work not to break that trust...I love their " its just today " way that they have....keep going, get a good coach, read everything you can , ask questions , lots of them....good luck and I love the blog......
B. G. Hearns's Comments
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Good Day BG
We are about to start a new year, If you wanted to get back into re enacting now would be a good time, Let me know.
Gary Glaser
Hello Bruce
Just a gently nudge as a new year is hear and we have been receiving quite a few invitations starting in the spring. We even have the chance to participate with our friends in the 6th Ohio Cavalry in the Pegasus Parade in Louisville prior to the Kentucky Derby. Not sure any of our members will be gong, but it would be something.
Hope to hear from you and hoping more to ride by your side.
Hope to be able to ride by your side soon, We have one more event on this side of the Border , the weekend of Sept 20 in Otterville, just outside of Simcoe. A small very friendly event, if you wanted to come out and camp with us, let me know. For next year drill usually starts in April. So far for next year we are planning a one night campain style on the Friday to camp for Sat. morning,
Hope to see you out.
Hello BG
It was nice to have finally met you.
Some of the 9th Cavalry will be at Country Heritage Park Milton this weekend
May 10/11 maybe 12 401 North up Guelph line
May 25 may 26 Country Heritage Park Milton
Let me know and I will give you the exact addresses and more info
You can e mail me directly at sgtgaryglaser@hotmail.com
Good Day BG
We are about to start a new year, If you wanted to get back into re enacting now would be a good time, Let me know. We have drill set up for 2 weekends in May in the Milton area if you wanted to come out.
Hey that’s great, If you ever want to get back, please look me up. In the mean time check this you tube out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBCgFdTWLx4. Hey next time you drill let me know I would like to see and may be try out.
Good Day
I came across your page , and wanted to introduce myself and my hobby.My name is Gary Glaser and I am the mounted commander of the 9th New York Cavalry and live in Binbrook, Ont. not far from the big TO. I am located in the Hamilton. I belong to a group of equine enthusiasts that enjoy living historians and American civil war, we are the 9th NY cavalry.
The Ninth New York Cavalry has been reactivated by ain the portrayal of the life of the Federal Horse Soldier. As a group, we participate in living history encampments, re-enactments, and giving informative lectures throughout the year in both Ontario and the U.S.
Visit use on the web at www.9thnycavalry.com .
If you have any interest in becoming involved in our group , do not hesitate to contact me at sgtgaryglaser@hotmail.com .
We are not a stable and are not associated with any stable.
Thank You
Gary Glaser
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