The Haunted Stables - A True Ghost Story

Anyone else have horse-related ghost experiences?

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Comment by Queenrider on March 11, 2010 at 2:21pm
At my last barn there were two ghost horses forever standing in crossties waiting. Many people had seen orbs floating around late at night. At my current barn there is a ghost of a little old farmer who "lives" in the feed room.
A few years ago a friend took me to see her new boarding barn. I told her that there was somebody in a sulky out on the track at a certain corner. She told me afterwards that this used to be a standarbred place and that somebody at died of a heart attack while driving their horse at that spot on the track.
Comment by Valentina Escobar-Gonzalez on March 8, 2010 at 8:23pm
Wow. I am suddenly very cold and scared. Grr. Now I will sleep with the lights on.
Comment by Jackie Cochran on March 7, 2010 at 7:44pm
Gee, old barns haunted? Maybe that is why so many people down here in NC just let the old barns fall down.
The reason I believe in ghosts is that horses (and dogs) can see them too. I figure that if more than one species can see them, something is probably there.
If I ever get a place with an old barn I think I'd have to have it checked out after seeing this. That is just too much commotion for me. I want to feel peaceful around horses.
At least this ghost did not seem to hurt the horses.
Comment by Michael Matson on March 7, 2010 at 7:30pm
Here's one from the show The Animal Planet:

Terror at Maple Dale Farm
In peaceful and idyllic Barkhamsted, Connecticut, Donna Santos spent many years rescuing and saving animals, and giving them a safe haven. But all that changed when Donna and her family were terrorized by a malicious presence that wreaked havoc on the well-being of their animals. Their horses — routinely locked in their regular stalls at night — would be moved around into different stalls in the morning. Someone, or something, had moved the horses.

After an unidentifiable creature frightened her in the family's barn, Donna called in a team of paranormal investigators. The investigators recorded strange voices in the barn at night. As they tried to uncover to whom that voice may belong, Donna learned that the activity might be tied to a horrible fire that destroyed the stables decades ago. With the help of an animal intuitive and communicator, Donna and her family are finally able to find peace and serenity in their home and barn.
Comment by Barbara F. on March 7, 2010 at 6:55pm

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