Get Your Horse to Use The Thinking Side of The Brain

Every horse has a thinking side to his brain, but until you show him how to use it, he doesn't even know it exists. The thinking side is shoved way back in the corner of the horse's brain. It's like a tiny crystal ball sitting on a table covered up with an old tablecloth. Your job is to wheel the table out to the middle of his brain, sweep the tablecloth off and say, "Ta da! Here it is!" It's very small and doesn't get used much, but you're going to make it grow. It's going to get bigger and bigger until it takes up most of the space in his brain, causing the reactive side to get pushed back into the dark corner. Even though every horse has a thinking side to his brain, he doesn't naturally know how to use it. It's your job to show him how. The good news is that you get a horse to use the thinking side of his brain the exact same way you gain his respect – by moving his feet forwards, backwards, left and right and always rewarding the slightest try. The more you move the horse's feet, the more respect you get. The more respect you get, the more the horse begins to use the thinking side of his brain. It's a double good deal.

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Comment by Ashley on June 25, 2010 at 3:50pm
I think this is a very accurate opinion. Many people think that horses are prey animals and are not capable of making logical decisions, but they fail to realize that their natural instincts can be paired with a trusting relationship with their handler, and cause the horse to become a thinker. It would be nice if more people saw horses for what they are - brilliant animals with a lot to teach us - opposed to what they see when they refuse to gain their horse's respect - a scared, reacting prey animal. Thanks for the reminder, Clinton.
Comment by Ann Crago on May 26, 2010 at 1:36pm
....Thanks Clinton.....I think alot of the problem is we just don't spend as much time with our horses as we should....If I only saw someone for 2 or 3 hours a week and during that time ALL they did was try to boss me around....well...I don't think you'd get too far..why should you...who the heck are you anyway ?? Kids never fret over stuff like this...they are out with their ponies for hours everyday...and usually get along wonderfully..... Ponies aren't above telling you exactly what they are thinking....and most love a job and love their kids.....Maybe we should think back to our own youth....and play with our ponies as long as we can each day......Grocery shopping...laundry and all that stuff can wait...I'm busy playing with my pony !!! Cheers.....Ann

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