My saddlebred gelding recently became lame on the front left…he’s a little older (12) and is just now starting back into showing from being off the past 5 years. So I think I may of worked him too hard and now he’s sore. He also has been collecting fluid in his back legs. Not a lot, but some. There isn’t heat in either the front or back, but I really want to get him healed in time for our next show, which is in 5 weeks. (We show Country English Pleasure – Saddleseat) Any Suggestions??

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If hes lame in the front I would have the vet out and make sure his feet are OK. Do you show in those platform like shoes? If it's not his feet then I would move a little higher to the tendons & ligaments of the lower leg. It depends on what actually happenned whether or not hell be ready to show so soon. Keep him in the barn until hes better turn-out is never a good idea when you dont know why he's lame. How common is navicular in your breed?
What kind of work schedule do you have him on? Sometimes if you overdo it, they will get that fluid in the hind end. Is it both hind legs or one? Also, can you get a farrier out to check if your horse has an abscess or is tender anywhere in his front left? I'd start there.
Thanks guys! Yes, I have the farrier scheduled to come out this Saturday to check him out. Since I show him country pleasure, I don't have a lot of weight on his feet, nor do I have pads. Just plates this year, since it's his first year back in the show ring. I have been working him consistantly for the last 3 months, but all of sudden this last week didn't agree with him. So, I'm not sure where I went wrong. I do nice long warm ups and cool downs, and always pick his feet and wipe him down with Vetrolin liniment when we are done. He was recently put on Thyroid meds...but I don't see how that would tie in. New shoes, some stall rest, and leg wraps hopefully help. Thanks for your advice ladies!
sounds like he needs to get out of his stall more. Fluid collecting could be a number of things though, i'd consult a vet


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