hello to everyone...i am a new member who is hoping to find some horse lovers who would share a bit with me, and other artists in need...
its very difficult to get access to sharp photos for an artist who does detail and doesnt own a horse....i am searching for a heavier breed, perhaps Andalusian like...i have started a portrait, see my tnail, and i am faltering in the eyebone cheek area/chin ...the angle is he is turning away from us but the chest if facing us/a bit to the left... with hind quarters to the right...
the head is turned and every so slightly a bit tilted because i am seeing a tiny bit of the underside of the chin/muzzle...
i am enclosing a photo of the work in progress...i havent defined the rest of the chest/neck nor mane yet....

i am praying some horse lover will have pity on me...and try to help out...
viewing the site, i see that there are incredible people here with their incredible steeds..
thank you in advance to any who respond!

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Gorgeous painting. My dad is a photographer but unfortunately we do not have any andalusion like horses. But if you need any other pictures of horses, we'll be happy to help.
hello Amy! i would be thrilled to have any photos of horses!....as long as you know i would use them for paintings or drawings?....

the horse is such a beautiful animal...i love to paint animals but it really is hard because of references...
and there are so many wonderful breeds! it will take me a lifetime to finish all the horses i would love to do!
my husband and i took a ride out to where we know there are horses nearby and i was lucky enough to find a whitish horse a bit heavy in look...although i got to tell ya he has one long face and isnt the handsomest guy! lol
Amy thanks so much....right now i am going to begin a new one with a wonderful photo from Peggy Judy....but i would love to take you up on your kind offer in the future!....so thank you AND your dad please!
Hi Amy, I am Marley and am like Betty Ann, always looking for good horses that show spirit and good anatomy details to paint. I would love to see your photos and any one elses' that might care to share some. You can see my work on my Page if you like. Also in the regular Photo section. It is so great of you'all to offer to help out and would be greatly appreciated.


Maybe there is something you can use from this pic Bettyanne , I'll see if I can find some without a rider. Cheers Geoffrey

Here are a couple of the Polish Arabian Stallion I used to show, 'The Silver Ghost'
thank you Geoffrey and Michelle!...just beautiful!
Geoffrey what an incredible horse!
Michelle, that stallion is gorgeous. what a coat!..that head position looks very good too...i am going to run out of adjectives! i sincerely thank you both!
aw thnx... he is lovely... he is owned by Chinook Arabians... glad to be of help (0:
You may use any of the photographs from my website. I own or took all of them. Maybe they can help you in your quest. www.caduceusfarm.com
peggy thank you so much! this makes the world of difference for me! i want to sincerely thank all of you that are helping out!
now i will have plenty of horses with good clear details....because i plan on doing a huge series on this incredible animal....i shied away from doing horses because i didnt have enough permission granted images to work from...i am so excited!!....

i finished the horse i was working on...got it framedup yesterday but i have to go back....the mat is far to close to the muzzle and just not acceptable for professional work....ugh...but i have plenty of time to still fix it...

here is a peek but the photo was taken before it was framed...and i couldnt take him outside to photo cause we have been enduring horrid weather....even when the sun is out its so windy i wouldnt dare take this outside its a 22x28 drawing! it would blow away like the sails on a ship! lol...
igood morning! i just wanted to update everyone and thank y'all for helping out....

the horses head i was working on, the graphite drawing....was accepted and sold at the Pembroke festival of arts....which put me in a pickle because i was going to turn around and enter it into the Plymouth show....so now i am working hard to finish pieces....
here was the finished head.....
and i will give you a peek of the other two pieces when they look a bit better...
hi everyone! i just wanted to bring in the good news about this drawing....it sold in the Pembroke arts festival!....

and now i have an oil painting, of a wonderful horse that might be recognized here, ~Rubinesque~!...
and another horse drawing, not known here, ~Buster Ravin~, these both have now officially been juried into the Plymouth 42nd annual Arts Festival that begins on sept 11th and runs for two weeks....
Rubinesque is not for sale, but the drawing of Buster....Rubi is spoken for....~wink~


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