I just bought a four year old mare that's in foal and I'm just wondering what everyone feeds their broodmares and how much. The previous owner says she's been getting two large scoops of 12 per cent complete feed per day. That seems a little exessive to me?? She's not due until the end of June so the foetus hasn't really started growing yet. The last horse I bred years ago and didn't really change anything about the mare's diet. She had all-you-can-eat hay and about half a scoop of complete feed once per day. And access to a mineral block. I always thought they need more grain once the foal's on the ground. Any thoughts?

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It has been decades since I fed a broodmare.  During the pregnancy I mostly made sure that she kept her weight up, especially during shedding.  Growing a winter coat takes a lot of protein!  If your mare has a thick winter coat make sure to feel her ribs often.  I like to have a coating of fat on the ribs, but I also wanted to be able to feel the ribs when I press down.  If I couldn't feel the ribs I cut the feed a little.

Then her food needs just about doubled when the foal was nursing.


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