Two weeks ago I wrote because of what I thought was an abscess in the left front foot of my twelve year old trot and gallop mare from poor shoeing - it turns out I was right about the poor shoeing as we eventually discovered an infected hole that was caused by a misguided nail - the farrier never said anything and after two weeks of treatment and almost having laminatis because of the very high temperature in the hoof and the tissue inflamation from the infection some friends helped out and we gave her several treatmernts with ice-horse pads and water boots with ice for extended periods. she recovered from the high temperature and also we cleaned the wound with several anti-bacterial meds and eventually drained part of the infection that wascoming out the cororonary band. Gave her the Bactrim equivalent for three and half days and she seems a lot better than a week ago. Brought her back to the barn yesterday and this morning noticed there is still stuff coming out of the hole at the bottom of her foot. Im keeping it very clean and washing it with water and adding a bit of farriers barrier around the bottom of the foot in order to prevent further infection - any ideas - should I just wait and let it continue to drain - or cover with poultice - Im bit afraid of the poultice because it makes her feety very hot and that is not good in this FL weather -