hello all,
I am curious what an older person returning to riding should watch out for? Do you know any tips for someone who has not been riding in over 10 years? I want to take some riding lessons and just do not know where to start. Like what kind of questions do I need to ask to find out if they treat the animals well, how to decide if they are going to be a good teacher; that sort of thing.

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Hi Chris,

I don't think I can answer all of your questions on how to find the right place. I think after being away for 10 years the most important thing you can do is be honest when meeting with a perspective coach. I think based on their response, you will get some idea of whether they are prepared to take you on. I did want to tell you not to be discouraged if you find your riding skills are not quite where you left them. I went back after 25 years and was so disilusioned, I almost quite. Thankfully, I had picked the right place and the right person who helped stick with it. That was six years ago. I have had my own horse for 5 years and am so grateful that I found this part of my life again.

Good Luck to you.


I restarted riding after a 10 years break. I did it by buying a well educated horse and simply started to enjoy its capacity. At first I didn't go to any clinic or trainer. I just enjoyed the horse.

It was somewhat painful for myself. I remember in the first 3 months I was glad my wife is a physiotherapist.

Of course you don't start were you left of. Before I had done show jumping, now -being older and hm (heavier)- I decided to do dressage - or just enjoying a 2 hours ride through the countryside.

I found the horse was the best coach to have. He was 13 when I bought him from a dealer. He had already some health problems with his legs, but he knew everything in the book. He had won intl level dressage in Germany. People said I had paid too much money for him- they were probably right- because his legs got worse etzc.. but for me he was worth every cent for those 3 years.

After that I bought an Andalusian horse for just another new experience.

I think an experienced horse will be the best advice for a new start.

Hello. I rode when I was young and then took a very long (almost 15 years) off until I could afford lessons and a horse on my own. My suggestion is to only talk to your potential trainer, and explain your situation and experience honestly, but I would watch some of their lessons as well. That way you can get a good idea of their teaching style, which is huge when compatibility comes into play. While you are milling around the barn, ask some of the riders and boarders about their experience with the facility and trainer.


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