Please wish us luck in Melbourne for Tomorrow, In 1983 we had a massive fire that cost 75 lives and 100's of homes. Our forcast is 43 celcius and extreme winds. Our fire authority has put out a warning that this is the worst conditions since that terrible day. I was 12 at the time and everywhere you looked there was ash, smoke and the skies were orange, I am very nervous. We will be unrugging, plaiting horses tails today and making sure every horse is in the safest paddock possible.

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Dear Lainie, please let us know how you are getting on, I am praying. Many thanks, Elizabeth Daly.
108 now confirmed dead, including a very famous news reader named Brian Naylor and his wife. The fires are still burning strongly, The flames are as tall as 10 stories high. I am traumatised, so I can only imagine how people who have lost everything and loved ones. Please contact your governments to give assistance, so far the British are the only goverment offering assistance. Anyone who can afford to donate to the horse community please do so. There has been a donation point set up. I have placed the link below. This is Australias worst natural disaster and it is far from over. The winds are strengening again and the fire is so strong that any drizzle is being evaporated ahead of the fire. The winds are due to change on Wednesday afternoon and head them back towards me. I now have somewhere to take my horses if I have to. My family is still blocked in, with fire. Not in direct risk at the moment. I can not explain in words how devastating this is. My throat is still sore from all the smoke I breathed in. I was crying yesterday, we were so lucky. Much longer and our horses and maybe us would have been gone. Please help if you can and again get on your governments back to give Australia aid. Thank you to the people who have posted here. It means the world to me.
I just posted a few pictures of the devastation. The wall of fire is unbelievable! I've been near a much smaller fire before and the heat even from that was incredible. The pictures just can't convey the heat and smoke adequately.

I'm starting to think that good old freezing Canada is not so bad (even in February!).

I hope that your weather cools and the winds die down and that it RAINS!
I have just found out that sprinkler systems on houses did not work. Water tanks exploded and water evaporated. We have always been told in the past that you would be safe with a sprinkler system. I took my 15 year old son to help prepare the property. Our plan was to bunker down in the house until the fire passed and then treat injured horses. Another 15 mins or so without the wind change and the chances of us survivng would have been slim. I can't believe I could have killed my son. This is unlike anything ever seen before. The fire is so intense it is creating its own weather system. It could take weeks to get these fires out and that is without another hot spell. The wind where we were was 85+ kilometres an hour. Within the fire it was much higher. We were working in 48 degree celcius temps trying our best to prepare as much as possible, but with this fire all that prep would have meant nothing.
Hi Rebecca, I hope you can read this in a better situation than yesterday,. I cried this morning when I READ THE PAPER ,just so sad , so many people dead. I'm going to see if I can arrange with the Salvos to send some hay over , probably going to need some . I'm sure we can get some locals to donate a bit of hay for your stock.
134 people now confirmed dead. Horses that have survived the fire are now being destroyed because of burns or smoke inhalation. The smoke has increased where my horses are and there have been a lot of small fires around the area. I think there may be a fire bug around us. There is so much bush and scrub around my horses that they would not have a chance. There is only one road out where they are. The winds are changing and getting stronger. There are many towns currently burning and the fire fronts are getting stronger. The weekend forecast does not look good. I have contacted a friend of a friend who has kindly offered room for my horses. I am moving them tomorrow, the thought of losing them terrifies me and I don't think I am brave enough to face the fire again. I will continue to keep everyone updated. I am one of the lucky ones, but so much help is needed. People who have horses that have survived, have no fences and no feed.
Fires are now back within 15 kilometres of my horses. The wind is still helping me. Please let this stop. The army has been bought in to search for bodies and there is currently approx. 40 towns under serious threat. My mother, my sister and nephew are now under more imminent threat.
I am reading all this from Canada. I just can't get to grips with it all. My heart is breaking for you. Please, please take care of yourself.
Death toll now at 173. There is a fire bug in our area. A fire started just down the road from my horses. Thank god they got it out quickly. There is no other way for a fire to start last night. It was cold and no storms. We have not had decent rain for well over a month. A lot of our fires have been deliberately lit. The government is talking about trying to charge people with murder.
Dear Rebecca, I am praying things will improve for you, I can hardly take in what you are going through, it is so frightening. Please keep us informed of your situation, I long to hear that the danger has passed for you. Yours sincerely, Elizabeth Daly, Dublin, Ireland.
We are reading this in Canada, and just can't adequately comprehend what you are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your horses, friends, neighbours and families. Godspeed through this nightmare.
Hello Rebecca

My heart goes out to all affected down in Australia. I am not sure what kind of being would do such a thing. I pray for your safety and for the safety of all families and all your animals. Hopefully the worst has past and the fires will be extinguished.


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