How does everyone here stay in shape? Do you cross train somehow? Do you find it harder to keep up your fitness level?
I cross train in Karate, which really helps with my strength and balance. A friend of mine runs half marathons!

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Dorothy, that sounds terrific!

I know I've lost so much fitness while recuperating from the wrist fracture, and that's happened in spite of the chores I kept doing and the riding. I got the go ahead from the surgeon on Thursday, so yesterday I went back to cleaning stalls and riding more horses. Needless to say, the arm felt like wet kleenex in no time! The good news is that riding is not painful, and I'm not really aware of fatigue in the arm until I'm done, but then undoing buckles and bathing horses is a HUGE job! Clearly it's going to take some time to get the muscle back in the arm. I'm going to continue with the stall cleaning, and the riding, but tomorrow I'm going to do it on Tylenol!
Hey, Jan, way to go! Be mindful, however, that you don't take on too much too fast. When I sprained my ankle two years ago and lost my fitness level (such as it was) I worked with a personal trainer as soon as my ankle was strong enough, a) to do measured rehab on the ankle, and b) to get my fitness level back to where it was, and better. It's worth it to make the effort to get back into shape, just remember to pace yourself. Remember ... Rome was not built in a day ...
When I first got back into riding about 5 years ago, I found I had lost alot of flexibility. I couldn't get my legs to hang in the correct position. In addition if I did a lot of cantering or posting, I would get pretty tired. Since then I have started stretching every day and walking several miles a day. I also do pilates which really helps to give you core strength. This additional exercise has really seemed to help.
I try to run two days a week (I am a new runner, and I can't go fast or far, but half an hour of running motion takes me further and further these days!), I do weights at the gym two days, and more exercises at home for leg strength (although I only "remember" those once a week or so) and get to a yoga class twice a week if possible. This sounds like a lot, but it fits into an hour at the gym, mostly, and then I am loose and supple for riding later that day.

When I don't exercise I get stiff and weak, and my riding definitely suffers.
wow there are some great comments here! You are all doing some great stuff to stay in shape. I have to congratulate you for making the choice to do the most you can. I'd love to get your feedback on the Ride Fit blog- or your questions or comments. I try and respond to questions each week. You can also send in photos with your questions as some riders have been doing for a free 'online clinic'. You might be very active and doing great, but working on an area in your riding or an issue and wondering just how to make what you're doing off the horse, have even greater benefit for what you're doing on the horse.
Love the martial arts, yoga, pilates and bootcamp comments by the way.

Heather Ride Fit 1-2-3 blog.
Hi, Did you all know you can sign up for fitness tips for riders (free) on ?
I started going to the "Y" this year to improve my health. I do uphill walking(treadmill) for cardio, and I use the strength-training(resistance&weights)to take care of my bones&muscles.I go 5 days a week about an hour a day. Since I started I've lost 45lbs, improved my high blood pressure and feel great! Now I'm able to ride again with confidence and even though I'll be 50 this year, I feel better than I have in ages! I think the fact that I'm riding again has lots to do with it!!!


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