Me and my friend Patti, we play with my horses on Thursdays. She's visiting and my gelding Toby is a love of hers, LOL.... anyway, it is miserable outside, OMG... so hot and dry.... so we had water day..... We watered down the lot my horses are in, watered down their hay, then I sprayed water in their stalls, got rid of all the spider webs, and got the dust down.... they both rolled geez after I had groomed Oliver and got him all slickered up with good fly spray, so oh well.. We are on fire watch and trying to keep the dust down. I also rubbed Olivers nose with a wash cloth to let him smell the dampness. Toby wouldn't have anything to do with it... he was very shy this morning and he's very scared of fires.... I had a good talk with him and told him how far away it was and that he's safe and sound..... :)
I wish the breeze were blowing a little for my guys cuz it's over 102 degrees, but firefighters don't need wind.
Everyone have a good day... :)
This isn't from today but another day when I left the sprinklers on for em... now we gotta conserve water here in good old L.A....