Hi All!

We have so many talented people in our community, we thought it would be fun to offer some free online classes exclusively for our members! We thought we would start by offering sessions of five classes per subject.

We would love to have your feedback on the following...

Which classes would you be interested in participating in?
Learn to Draw Horses
Learn Equine Massage for your Horse
Learn Clicker Training for your Horse

Which Non Horse-related classes would you be interested in participating in?
These sessions would be joint learning classes where everyone contributes their ideas.
Summer Barbeque and Cooking
Book Club
Organic Gardening

It there another subject that you would like us to offer? Do you have a special talent or skill that you would like to teach others?

We look forward to your feedback! :)

For everyone interested in learning equine massage, we are setting up a free five-day "seminar" with Lola Michelin of Northwest Animal Massage. The seminar will likely run Monday to Friday with written notes for you to take to your barn and practice on your horse.

Here's what we need to know to get started.

1. Please sign up by leaving me a comment on my page. We will need at least 10 students.

2. Please let me know if you would prefer to have the seminar before Christmas or in January.

3. Please let me know if evenings (East coast U.S. time) would work for you.

That's it! Once we have your information, we can begin to put something together. :)

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I would like to have a book club.

I think it would be fantastic if you guys also had an equine photography class!

I would love to learn how to massage horses, to make it more relaxed. The smell of my Burberry perfume always helps...but nothing like physical touch would be good.

Being a beast in the Kitchen, I would like to view classes in cooking.

I think lots of horse owners, aren't feeding their horses the right type of feeds for their lfestyle or work level: most people are overfeeding their horses or offering too much grain. A class in nutrition by an equine nutritionist would help anyone, I think.

I second nutrition, saddle fitting and photography!
They all sound great! Would especially love Clicker training!!
Learn to draw horses, and Saddle Fitting
Hi guys! To anyone who is interested in saddle fitting, we are so lucky to have certified Master Saddler, Jochen Schleese as one of our official community experts. Please feel free to ask him any all all questions about saddle fitting. :)
What a wonderful, fun idea. I would love to learn horse massage!! I would love a book club!! This site is so creative and open to new things. Love it!!!
For everyone interested in learning equine massage, we are setting up a free five-day "seminar" with Lola Michelin of Northwest Animal Massage. The seminar will likely run Monday to Friday with written notes for you to take to your barn and practice on your horse.

Here's what we need to know to get started.

1. Please sign up by leaving me a comment on my page. We will need at least 10 students.

2. Please let me know if you would prefer to have the seminar before Christmas or in January.

3. Please let me know if evenings (East coast U.S. time) would work for you.

That's it! Once we have your information, we can begin to put something together. :)
I'd be very interested in the Equine Massage topic. Have I already missed it?
I think Olds Agricultural College in Alberta has an Equine Journalism course as part of a program. I think it may be an online course.

I vote for massage and drawing. Please keep the subjects to equine/equid related ones; people can find spirtuality, gardening, pets and other things other places.

Somehow the course(s) must fit people across the North American time zones and perhaps fit those in Australia, the UK, Europe, as well. Could the courses be online with groups taking them choosing to meet at certain times? If some of us havet o miss the groups at least we could access the onine.
I would love to learn about Equine Message... I would prefer the classes to be in January! I do believe that the evenings would work well.

Thank you,

Great Idea, I'd like to learn about equine massage. January is better for me. It would depend on the which day of the week, as to whether days or evenings are better. Laura Coffey


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