Nevermind the technical inconsistancies ... just share with everyone the horse movie that pulls at your heart strings every time you see it. For me it's Seabiscuit -- although I am also a huge fan of The Black Stallion. That 20-minute segment of Alec and The Black getting to know each other and playing on the beach is so beautiful and atmospheric it totally absorbs me.

What about you?

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I would have to agree with you on Seabiscuit. It's one of my favs!
Let us never forget "Ladyhawk", which introduced us to the wonderful Friesian horse, even though it wasn't a 'horse movie'.
Pharlap, International Velvet and Black Beauty... can't decide which I love most!
It's been a long time since I watched Pharlap but I'm pretty sure I cried for most of the ending. Maybe that's why I put it in the back of my memory. Great movie ... sad story ...
I agree with both of your picks! I also really like "Phar Lap" and "The Man from Snowy River"
I've never seen Phar Lap... but people talk about it all the time.... I love Man from Snowy River.... I just saw a movie with alot of horses in it... Oh, it was Australia... the movie was so so but the horses were awesome.. the Brumby's...
Oh yeah, The Man From Snowy River was really good, too.
The Man from Snowy River has my vote!!! But so does the Black Stallion!
I think the Black Stallion is one of the most beautifully made movies. It really captured the love that can happen between a person and a horse, and yes, the scenes of Alec and the Black on the beach are amazing.

I also really like Pharlap, though I remember sobbing at several parts in the movie..watched it when I was young and thought I could never watch it again, but after several years I did...wasn't quite as heart wrenching the second time 'round, :) Another beautifully made movie....Love, love, love the man from snowy river as well.

Does anyone remember the Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit? great old Disney movie.
International Velvet is awfully good too!
Oh yes! I certainly remember "The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit." That was my favourite horse movie throughout my childhood, though I can hardly remember when I last saw it. Didn't every see International Velvit ... National Velvet is a classic too, however.
The Secretariat movie comes out October 2010!
I love Black Beauty - it has such a gorgeous setting, and the horses are amazing!


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