What are your fitness challenges and what types of injuries have you had?

What are your biggest fitness challenges as a rider? Which areas of your body give you the most trouble and which do you wish you could improve?


What types of injuries do you have now or have you had in the past? What types of injuries do you think riders struggle with most?


If you could ask any fitness or injury-related questions to a top-notch osteopath and athletic therapist, what would you ask?


Thanks for your input!

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I have trouble keeping my shoulders open when riding. Are there any exercises that can be done when I am not riding that can strengthen my upper back?
Great question!
I will be more than happy to include a segment on upper body strengthening in the videos.
I am an occasional rider and have always had problems with balance (I also don't have a natural seat). Is there anything I can do to build up my riding muscles when I am not riding as well as help me with my balance problems?

Hi Victoria,
I get this question alot. I'll include this in the video and make the distinct comparison between proprioception and balance and then give you some suggestions for this.

Thanks for your input!
My main issues are my SI joint and my right knee. I'm a commercial glazier by trade (I wear a hardhat and manipulate sharp, heavy objects) and a I work my own mini-farm plus work at a boarding stable in the mornings. My body really takes a pounding. I'd like to get some exercises I can do with my bum knee. Sometimes when I bend it, it feels like it's going to pop. I've been to the doc. He doesn't want to do anything to it until I've put a few more miles on it.
Ditto Jan's plea for symmetry exercises. I really need something to counteract the one sidedness with which I lift things. I try to switch sides when it's feedbags, but when it's glass or aluminum framing, I can't afford to use the weak side.
Jan, I knew I was justified in not trusting those crazy skis!! I tried it once a few years back. It is not for me. I prefer to ride on something I can talk to. The look on my boyfriend's face was priceless when I stopped mid slope and took off my skis. He said, "It's too late to walk down, you have to ski it." I said, "The hell I do, watch me walk." And I did, all the way to the bar.
It sounds like you have a great athletic mentality which will keep you riding for a while! I would be more than happy to add this into the video segments...I'll probaby mesh it within the lower body strengthening segment and the core stability segment.

Thanks so much for your input!
Hi, I am 70 years old and have a fabulous new hip that is coming 3 years old. At present, I am trail riding about 3 hours per day. My horses are young and need me to be able to care for them the rest of their lives. I was bucked off twice last year and had no problems physically. The mare that bucks has been sent away for further training just in case I'm not so lucky next time.

Will I be able to ride as long as I can get on, say 85 to 90????


Hi Jean,
Thanks so much for your question...it's a good one!
A person can be mentally at one stage of their life but physically at another...it sounds like this is the case with you. I would attempt to try and keep your body (and your knee hip!) as strong as possible by attempting some of the exercises that I will be posting up shortly. These exercises will be designed to strengthen your core muscles and keep your body supple enough to survive a bucking horse. I would suspect that if you compliment your riding with some weight bearing exericses, like walking, to strengthen the integrity of the bone tissue, then you should be able to offset major injury to bone or tissue.

Hopefully this helps and there's no reason that you wont' be able to continue becuase of age, it would be a consequence of a major injury that will limit you.

Good luck!
My strongest challenge is weak legs, and my most troublesome part is my right anke, it always hurts when I go riding no matter how I position my leg or adjust the stirrup. I would love to improve both but my ankle first. I have no injuries, but my right ankle is weak as I can twist it orflip over on it when walking on uneven ground very easy.
I was wondering if there are certain exercises I need to do to improve the strength in my ankle or strengthen my legs.By the way I am a first time rider just learning how to ride with no help as trainers not close by and I am 62yr old. Going to try and get some one to give some help this year if I can.
Thank-you for your time.
Hi Corrie,
I commend you for taking on the sport without any help, but I would advise that you get a trainer to help you with the physical logistics of riding to offset any potential of injury. I would be more than happy to include some ankle strengthening with the video segments.

Thanks so much!
Hi to all,

my name is Suzana and I'm 45, but sill love to ride and work with horses as in past 30 years. My problem is my right shoulder (and I'm right handed), since it was injured for five times by now. At the moment I'm waiting for surgery because of a lot of damage in my shoulder (this is in Slovene language, but I do not know how to translate - parcialna ruptura tetive supraspinatusa, lezija superiornih vlaken tetive subskapularisa, pulley lezija, SLAP lezija, Bankart lezija). In present time I can't do much but wait for surgery, but after that I want to do every thing possible, to get back to normal (and in the saddle) A.S.A.P... hi, hi ...

Thank you for every advice you can send over the sea - I promisse that I will work very hard.

Best regards from Slovenija,

Hello Suzana,
The best thing for your pre-surgery is strengthening as if you keep the muscles as strong as possible, then this will help with your recovery period.
I would be more than happy to include a series of upper body strengthening for you. I didn't understand the exact translation but I could make out some words that are the same in english. It sounds like it's a complete reconstruction of the supraspinatus muscle and a SLAP lesion. The rehabiliation will be pretty comprehensive but we should still give you some exercises that you should be doing before your surgery.
Thank you!


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