Does anyone else out there have a horse-related business? What is your business?

Personally, I am finally getting my photography and graphic design dreams put into motion! :) No official name or site yet, but I am curious how everyone else with a horse business decided on what they do!

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Hi, I lost my beloved horse in August to Colic, so during last summer I began making jewellery, BUT then I do not know why/how??!!..I started to make Stock Pins which have been selling well.  Take a look ...I ship to the USA and shall be visiting in August too with some stock!

Wow! Those are beautiful! :) My condolences on the loss of your horse; I lost my heart horse several years ago to some pretty terrible arthritis. It was a heartbreaking thing to watch develop. I'm glad you found some light out of the situation. 

By the way, your website is beautiful! I love how smooth the transition between pages is. Great job :)

Thank you.    Yes horses can really pull at your heart strings.  BUT we would never be without them !x


Hi Ashley,

I train horses and teach riding lessons.  I spend most of my horse business consulting on other people's property and help them with the training of their own horses in my area.  This is something I wanted to do since I was a teen, but I thought I wouldn't be able to make a career out of it.  However, I took a leap of faith and did make it my business.  I learned how to train and teach when I was younger and then started volunteering to help other people.  After awhile I was able to start charging as word of mouth spread.  I had an effective website designed by a relative, but decided recently to rebrand myself.

I've learned website design with Wordpress (big learning curve but worth it) and have my new site up and running as of a few months ago.  I've started a blog and also started creating videos.  At first I just wanted some videos for my site, but now I think I'll create them regularly and maybe one day make video training for people.

I recommend sites like Marie Forleo's for learning how to get an online presence happening and for tips on business.  

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Thanks for asking, Ashley :)  I own, providing administrative and marketing support and consultation for equine business owners. Basically I provide off-site office support and implement marketing strategies. I look forward to networking more on this site with other business owners. 


I make polo wraps and my sister makes custom saddle pads, often we do matching sets.  My website:  I've been in business 2 1/2 years and love working with horse peeps!!


I run a horse boarding facility :)

Hi, I've been coaching for 30 years, the last 20 as a professional. Best thing I ever did!! Travel all over Australia running Showjump clinics. Coming to Canada in 2015.

Cheers Geoff 

I do custom mucking! Think of it as when you hire a house cleaner, I have a set price per stall in a certain area around my home and I muck for them. It is not always a daily mucking, sometimes I just relief muck. It's great, I'm in control :)

I have bigger plans but they are only on paper for now.

I am working on developing my career as an equestrian writer. Prior to that I worked as a riding instructor, horse trainer and barn manager.

I wash and repair blankets.  When I moved North of Guelph, there was no where in this area that did it, so 10 years ago, I started my own business. 


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