What's your poison? (What breed of horse do you favor?)

As an equestrian I've had to make a lot of choices- which discipline to do love the most? (dressage) how often do I ride? (not as much as I'd like) What brand of clothing should I buy? Where should I buy it from?

I think the biggest decision I've had to make is what breed of horse do I want to focus on. The breed chose me and I was wondering why do certain breeds appeal to certain groups of people?

What are your thoughts/suggestions/opinions/ideas?

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I say my first Arabian when I was 14 years old.  I can still remember him, a dark brown horse in a Western Pleasure class in a county fair horse show.  All the other horses "shook the ground" when they trotted or cantered, the brown Arabian barely touched the Earth (or so it seemed.)  He wore a show saddle with lots of silver and he won the class, he would have won the class if he had been in beat up tack.  He was so obviously superior to every other horse in the class, so superior to any horse I'd ever seen before that owning an Arabian became my main goal in life.  Alas, Arabians were EXPENSIVE back then (50 years ago.)

Even though I ride a non-Arabian style (hunt seat) I am still entranced by Arabians and ride them by preference when I can.  I've been fortunate enough to own Arabians, if I ever could afford to own another horse it probably would be an Arabian, and I consider myself so very fortunate to ride now at a hunt seat stable that has Arabians I can ride.

My next favorite breed (and what was my favorite breed before I saw my first Arabian) is the Thoroughbred.

I've NEVER seen any other breed horse move like an Arabian.

Arabians are beautiful movers. They do float off the ground. Thanks for sharing and may you have many more years in the saddle!

I know to some people it makes me a bad person (not sure why), but I love my warmbloods.  Specifically, I have a soft spot for a Holsteiner.  They are very well suited to my discipline which is dressage, although I jumped for 20 years before I took it up.  My latest I bred myself, he's half german riding pony, half holsteiner x selle francais.  He's lovely and sane and a great mover and sweet as pie.  His aunt before him Holsteiner x TB was also a great mover, a 'professional' buggered her up when she was young. 

In my previous life in the jumpers, I had the best Clyde x TB.  When my sweet Maggie died, a friend loaned me her Clyde x TB.  I hate to say it, they tend not to be great movers, but oh they are sweet.  I took her into the jumper ring at Spruce Meadows after I'd been out 10 years and it was awesome.

We all like different things, for different reasons, and they suit us.  Ride what makes you happy, whatever horse and discipline that may be.

I have to agree about the Arabian being my favorite. I love their energy, intelligence, spirit, and love love that lovely smooth trot.

TWH's.  NOT the big lick crap.

Dont think for a moment that it's bad to like Holsteiners Mags, I have had one for three years now and he's the best horse I've had!! A lifetime of having TB ( which I still like, and still own) I never thought I'd get a WB, but they are the bees knees

Welsh ponies! They by far have the best attitude of any horse/ pony around. ( in my opinion ) I got my first welsh pony when i was 10, and have been in love with the breed ever since :)

Thank everyone for youR answers.

I am a warmblood person myself. I own two Trakehners. I bred for my second (she's 10 months) I've owned various breeds over the years but I know that I love Trakehners more than any other breed. (Yes, I am a warmblood woman myself.) I compete in dressage and in eventing. I'm hoping my filly will be a hunter prospect. 

Keep on bringing the answers!


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