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Anyone who likes to combine holiday and riding. Tell about your riding holidays. I have been on an amazing riding holiday to Spain last year, met great people and rode gorgeous horses. Share your riding holiday experience.

Members: 22
Latest Activity: Dec 16, 2012

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Travel Generalities! 2 Replies

Started by Mary McGuire Smith. Last reply by Mary McGuire Smith Dec 30, 2008.

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Comment by Shiny Fluff on February 25, 2011 at 4:18pm
has anyone been on one of those Iceland horse vacations? dying to go....
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on October 22, 2010 at 11:07am
A friend (student) of mine tookk a trip to Ireland last year and rode almost every day. I think it was just "as they went", without an itenerary, so there must be lots of places that will "rent" horses--although most of them were guided rides. Sounds like fun! I will ask if they went to Clonshire!
Comment by Shiny Fluff on October 22, 2010 at 7:37am
I was just riding at the famous Clonshire Equestrian Center in Adare Ireland! I only rode out for a couple of hours but they have horse vacation packages and I am dying to try one! what great horses they had!
Comment by Jennifer Leigh on October 20, 2010 at 8:54pm
Any time of year is good; the weather is always nice. Summer (June thru mid September) here is extremely hot and humid. October is perfect, especially for riding and tanning on the beach. Also, Spring (April and May) is good when it starts to heat up again; but not sweltering. The ocean temp is always 78 degrees so the horses love to play in the water.
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on October 20, 2010 at 7:07pm
Sounds wonderful, Jennifer! I will have to keep you in mind! What time of the year do you think is best for a vacation to your part of the world?
Comment by Jennifer Leigh on October 20, 2010 at 6:54pm
I went to Scotland a couple of years ago and I wish I had gone horseback riding there. It truly is a beautiful country there and in England. If anyone wants to vacation in Cancun, you can come to my ranch, La Selva, to ride or I could help you get set up with one of the horseback riding tour companies that tour through the jungle and on the beaches.
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on January 22, 2010 at 12:59pm
Thatis wonderful, Tara! I have not been to England or Wales, but that is on my "to-do" soon as the exchange rate comes a little more reasonable. Would love to hear more about your adventure!
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on September 1, 2009 at 12:07pm
Amazing experiences, NmS! Thanks for sharing! And also thanks for the names of the people at Carmona....very gracious hosts, but I didn't remember their names (how horrible of me). I am so glad your experience there was good, too. I wish I had picked a cooler time of year to be there, but it was still a wonderful experience.
Comment by NmS on August 31, 2009 at 8:50pm
I am surprised there is not more activity in this group - everywhere I go here in North America I meet people who have equestrian holiday stories - good and bad. Here are two of mine this past year

Did Epona in Carmona, Spain in March - trained with Cati Garcia Dow and rode Balleirine and Handsome - absolutely fabulous - not just the great horses and Cati being a natural teacher who convinces you that you can ride the movements - but the place itself is lovely, the food was great (and I am super fussy with lots of chemo legacy allergies) and Jane and Don Fernando, the owners, just lovely. I described Don Fernando as a walking Andalucia library - he knows so much about the breed, the region and its history. I highly recommend it to anyone who either wants to test the world of high level dressage or Andalusian horses with a bit of sunbathing and stuffing yourself thrown in - and yes, as per other blogs, there are lots and lots of dogs - the family are a soft touch for waifs and strays - they are all so sweet and wellbehaved its actually very touching.

Second trip - not planned just a bit of a miracle - went to a conference at the Weston Campo Real resort in Turcifal, Portugal about two months after Epona. Walking around the resort, famous for its golf, and saw some horses, long manes/tails - Portugal ah ha Lusitanos - a training centre famous in Portugal for training champion jumpers and the most stunning Lusitano stallions and a topnotch gentleman and his wife running the place. After the first session, Miguel Athayade and his wife, Cuci, simply gave me the wonderful Ofegante to ride as and how I wanted all week, with them giving me tips and coaching as I worked along side them schooling their own horses - unbelievable experience
Comment by Mary McGuire Smith on January 1, 2009 at 11:37am
Hi Mary-Joe, thanks for the reply. Coralie is one of Portugal's national dressage competitors and also runs a guest-training facility. It used to be near Epona, but since I was here she has moved her facility to be a bit nearer to Lisboa (Lisbon). We visited the esquela royale when I was there....she trains with one of the directors, but unfortunately, I can't remember who it was. Also, since you trained directly in Lisboa, maybe you can tell me....we were headed to the airport (to leave Portugal), and we were on the main thoroughfare, and I looked to my right and saw a riding stable whose arena was adjacent to the road, maybe 150 feet, no more! It was a real dressage stable (as opposed to doma vaquera), and there was a man on a horse practicing piaffe/passage. I only saw it out of the corner of my eye, but the work was quite correct. I know there are a TON of stables in and around Lisbon, but this one was right downtown and quite close to the airport, as I recall, so I was wondering if you knew which one I am referring to? I know it is a real shot in the dark, but it is seldom that just a glimpse of a rider and horse impresses me like that.

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