Lorna Leeson's Blog – August 2015 Archive (4)

Refining Your Walk to Canter Transition

Do you find that when asking your horse for canter, you tend to 'over do' some aspects of your aids?  Perhaps you throw your reins at your horse, or you try to 'push' too much with your seat or upper body...  You are shoving and bumping about in the saddle and when your horse eventually 'strikes' the canter, you are so far from where you want to be position wise, that it takes the first 5 to 10 strides just to get your limbs back listening to you before you can even begin to turn your mind…


Added by Lorna Leeson on August 31, 2015 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Increasing Your Horses Suppleness

Have you ever ridden a horse and they feel so wonderfully loose and pliable underneath you?  Perhaps you can remember how your horse was able to really and truly use his body and how the suppleness made it feel like he was performing movements in the best possible way that his body, fitness and confirmation allowed?

The Daily Strides Podcast episode on this topic is …


Added by Lorna Leeson on August 29, 2015 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Asking Your Horse to Bend

Riding through a bend is something you will have to do every time you get in the saddle, whether it be the 4 corners of your arena or just the route you take to get from point A to point B.  It therefore makes good sense to work on your ability to navigate those bends successfully, without losing balance, rhythm, energy and focus each time you encounter a bend.

The Daily Strides Podcast episode for this topic is …


Added by Lorna Leeson on August 26, 2015 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Maintaining Control of Your Body After the Jump

You've just popped the fence and in your mind it was a success, mostly because you managed to stay on board for it!  However, as soon as your horse lands, you are beginning to think that your 'upright seat' is becoming more and more of a fantasy; in fact every stride your horse takes is literally bumping you further and further onto his withers... You lower leg is coming up and back, your sure that you have just lost your stirrups!  Who knew that jumping meant such an up close and personal…


Added by Lorna Leeson on August 25, 2015 at 9:30pm — No Comments

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