World's Tallest Horse over 20 Hands

No tall tale
Deforest enews

Waiting patiently in the barn before the historic event Tuesday morning, big “Jake” was standing quietly covered in a green blanket, calm and collected despite the palpable buzz around him, like a veteran prizefighter before a heavyweight title bout.
And make no doubt about it, big Jake is a heavyweight.

Valicia Denson’s Smokey Hollow Farm in Dekorra was the site for the much-anticipated match-up between Jake, a nine-year-old Belgian Draft Horse, and “Tina,” an English Shire and Guinness Book of World Record-holder as the tallest horse on the planet.
Tina wasn’t there – she passed away in 2008 – but since 2007 has held the record at 20.1 hands tall. Denson knew Jake could top the mark and e-mailed Guinness a few months back to see what she needed to do to get Jake in the contest.
Guinness officials, who were not present, e-mailed her a packet of guidelines needed to submit the record. All she needed were witness statements, photos and video evidence, and of course, a horse.
Neither the chilly temperatures, barn full of strangers nor the constant camera flashes bothered Jake in the least as he stood straight and tall for the measurement, which was at the base of the neck.
“He’s 82 and three-quarters,” called out Dr. Ann Sherwood Zieser of the Middleton Veterinary Hospital. “That’s 20 hands, two and three-quarters.”
He had the record.
Guinness officials must still look at the video and photo to verify the claim, but it looks like Dekorra, and Smokey Hollow Farm is the home to a world record-holder, standing just a few inches shy of seven feet, not counting his massive head and neck.

Video by Lyn Jerde, Daily Register

Large lineage
According to the Belgian Draft Horse Corp. of America, “Belgians” (as they are called) are the most direct lineal descendants of the “Great Horse” of medieval times, used as a farm horse to pull heavy plows and wagons. The horses generally get as tall as 17 hands; just a pint-sized equine compared to big Jake. Denson said Jake just kept “growing and growing” when he was younger, giving her the idea to see if he measured up to the world’s tallest.
“We had seen one of the record tallest living horses at the Dane County Fair and at a grand opening for a Farm & Fleet,” she said. “After seeing these horses being displayed, we decided that Jake was most likely a candidate.”
Belgians are bred at the farm, though Jake was purchased about five years ago for use as a wheel horse on the farm’s hitch teams, which Smokey Hollow handlers show at various fairs and events.
“Belgians come in all different sizes, just like people,” Denson said. “It is rare to have one this big.”
Now it’s up to the Guinness Book of World Records officials to see just how rare, and if it’s enough for Jake to be a world record-holder.

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Comment by Monica Whitmer on January 20, 2010 at 4:58pm
Just stop the video at around 40 seconds and you will see where they are measuring - it is WAY up the neck. NOT the correct spot. I do think they are trying to be in line with the elbow, but the pole is very angled. Which is why the Guinness people require a video - they are simply going to tell the owners to remeasure. Glad he is already barefoot, it just must be his very big feel making that sound!
Comment by Susan on January 20, 2010 at 4:35pm
According to the local newspaper, he was measured without shoes.
It looks like they are measuring in the right place to me, although the light isn't very good. I have no idea how these things are done, but maybe Guinness will have someone go out to confirm.
Comment by Monica Whitmer on January 20, 2010 at 4:16pm
OK - I hate to rain on anyone's parade - but this horse was NOT properly measured. At 40 seconds in the video you see they are measuring WELL up the horse's neck. If they are trying to claim they are in line with the elbow - well, the 2x4 is seriously tilted forward. Also, I believe the horse is wearing shoes. (I could be wrong, but it sounds like it). and finally, I don't think the makeshift measureing stick would be considered acceptable for official recognition. But mostly, they are measure WELL up the horses neck. I think this horse is at Least a full hand shorter than they are claiming. I don't know why anyone would claim they had earned the record when they are a long way from it.
Comment by Geoffrey Parry on January 20, 2010 at 4:06pm
I agree with Geoffrey WOW!!!
Comment by Geoffrey Pannell on January 20, 2010 at 3:58pm
Comment by Michelle Miller on January 20, 2010 at 11:02am
Awww, my little girl (who is not so little!) is half belgian. She is six years old and stands at 16.2 hands. She's also part thoroughbred. The two breeds seem to conflict each other. She is the sweetest horse alive, on the ground. But undersaddle she's a Kentucky Derby Racehorse. Which makes training for the calm Hunter (jumping) pretty difficult and somewhat frustrating. Belgians seem to have lovely trot movement but HUGE strides. it's a lot to get used to after riding quarter horses my whole life.
Comment by Okie Pony on January 20, 2010 at 10:16am
Congratulations!! :D

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