As I sit here in my toasty house, it's a balmy -27C (-16F for you holdouts in the states).  Windchill is -40C (-41F).  Of course that's measured up at the airport, not down where my kids and I are, where it's probably a good 10C colder.  It wasn't so a couple days ago, and this is the wonder of living in Alberta... by next Saturday, 13C.  As you can imagine, this tends to cause some issues in one's horse keeping!  My little Mo is clipped and lives outside.  She's a tough old girl, but she's also wearing about 1000g of blankets on her body and 200g on her neck.  And of course a good shelter and a heated waterer.  Snug as a bug in a rug.  Do I have to say she has the day off?!  And a big bowl of alfalfa cubes by her water.

Mr Havoc now lives inside and is not clipped.  He's not even setting foot outside.  He'll be contentedly munching his hay, having a nice roll and runabout in the arena, and munching his hay!  Because it's obviously above zero in the barn and significantly below zero outside, we worry a lot about colic.  We tend to get some extreme temperature fluctuations, they are hard enough on humans, but our poor horses can't necessarily adapt that quickly.  So, they stay inside where it's warm. 

Outside horses stay out, inside horses stay in.  Luckily my baby boy is quite content to stay in and doesn't get stir crazy.  I'll bundle up and go check everyone again today.  I know the staff at the barn are on top of it and check all of the horses and their waterers outside, and let the boy have a run, but, I'm me :)

Stay warm out there...

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Comment by MagsNMe on March 4, 2014 at 9:23am

I would think that all seasons would just generally be prudent.  This is my second year running winters on the car.  They do make a difference.

I'm glad that Miss Mia has been able to help you.  Let's hope that this horrendous winter is over soon!  I'm home this week, and maybe next week, so will get in all the riding I can.  I feel sorry for people who don't know the joy of horses!

Comment by Jackie Cochran on March 3, 2014 at 8:08pm

We try to use all-season tires.  My husband goes north regularly, but no further north than NJ or PA.

I am recovering from an MS attack.  Riding is my best physical therapy.  This has NOT been a good winter for me to get much riding in!  At least I got enough riding in so I can still walk with some coordination, but it was touch and go for a while.  Bless you Mia, you kept me walking. 

Comment by MagsNMe on March 3, 2014 at 5:52pm

It's the worst winter I've seen in about 25 years.  I'm just glad that my ponies are doing okay in it.  It does put a damper on the riding, though!  At least up here we're more used to what we've been getting, down there, you aren't used to the snow and cold you're seeing!  Do you just run on summer tires, or do you use all seasons?  It's a burning question in my mind :)

Comment by Jackie Cochran on March 3, 2014 at 5:46pm

Oh, will this winter ever end?  We are, right now, having ANOTHER winter storm down here in the not so sunny South.  Bummer! 

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