Physiology of a horse:when should they be broken in?

A friend of mine shared this on facebook and I just had to post it here. It's amazing. 

Equines less than 4 years are not supposed to carry a heavy weight and yes that is including the rider....

Once apon a time this was well known and horses were not considered usable until this age and the majority of the chosen educated horses were not at the prime age for education at the age of 15!

After several hours of birth the colt can follow the mare. But the bones of the baby are not formed yet, they resemble cartilage tissue.

The colt grows; gradually more and more calcium is concentrated in the bones.

The ordinary anatomic textbook says: “Before the bone stops growing in the length (when the animal becomes grown-up), between the epiphysis and diaphysis the gristle layer remains, it’s called metaphyseal cartilage.

From both sides it’s surrounded by subhondral bone plate. After the birth of the animal metaphyseal cartilages dradually acquire diametrical structure, become thinner, and in the end of growing they are replaced by bone stock – the border between the epiphysis and diaphisis disappears.

Subhondral bone plate of metaphyseal cartilage also disappears.

Appearing of centers of ossification and sinostosys depends on biomechanical load that the bone undergoes.

So every bone has its own deadline of ossification and sinostosys, which depends on species, sex, and age, keeping and feeding.

According to this deadlines veterinarian determines the degree of ripeness and the age of young animals”.

Period of synostosis of skeleton, years:

Axial skeleton: 
Skull - 3-4 
Inside all the spines - 5 
Sacral bone - 10

Skeleton of extremity: 
Free extremities - 3- 3,5 
Pelvic girdle -4-4,5 
symphysis -6

- The horse can’t carry out any kind of physical activity till 3-4 years (including lunging);

- The man can ride the horse only for short period starting from 4-4,5;

- The horse can be in full collection only from 6 years.

- Serious physical activity like (ex. School jumps) can be allowed only after 10 years.

Humans who know neither anatomy nor physiology of the horse, tell about “precocious” breeds. They tell that such horses are ready for breaking in earlier then others. But according to them, teeth of such horses should grow earlier if their organism grows earlier.

Anatomy says, that growing of teeth and bones are interrelated. Teeth of “the precocious” breeds grow up at the same time as of “the late precocious”.

This peculiarity helps to define the age of an animal. So it’s obvious, that both terms “precocious” and “late precocious” are thought of by false specialists.

This idea was caught by horse-breeders, as you know, to sell broken in two-year horse is easier then not broken in 4 year horse.

Moreover, bones (and total weight) of precocious breeds grow in length earlier, but ossify at the same time. So bones are not ready for such a hard job, but they have to endure this. One more think we have to remember is joints, they carry out excess weight of the organism. So horses of this kind are to be broken in even later, they are more particular about the conditions of growing and feeding.

If you buy an early broken in horse, you should remember: 
- such horse will always be underdeveloped: genetic peculiarities won’t develop properly (ex. height); 
- If a horse worked at full stretch, it will never show its best qualities (won’t be strong, fast, energetic and etc.). 
- It’s for sure that a horse will become invalid, instead of being healthy and happy, because its joints endured very hard job. 
- From the youth a horse worked at full stretch, so its life becomes shorter.

This problem becomes more evident in equestrian sport. Normally at the age of 10-15 the horse only starts acquiring his best qualities, but in reality sport martyrs become incurable invalids. When at competitions of international level we can see horses of 10-15 years, everything seems to be all right. But only veterinarians and sportsmen know the true value of such starts. Veterinarians cure, give injections, anesthetize, and when nothing helps from the constant limping, they cut nerves in the distant parts of the legs. Such horse doesn’t feel pain, he doesn’t limp any more, but joints become totally destroyed. After the competition a horse-holder spends all night with the horse making baths, lotions, rubbing, massage and etc. All this are made so next day the horse will be able to go out from the stable. Normally horses live 30-40 years, sport horses live till 15-20 at the same time they are invalids. Of course, lots of things kill horses in sport, but breaking in takes the first place in destroying musculoskeletal system.

Usually if you decided on the breaking in question, next one would appear: “If the horse was free till the age of 4, how it will treat the fact to be ridden?” But before one is going to ride the horse, he should train his horse on the ground. Till 4 it’s just general physical and mental development, the collection and school elements follow. Collection is to be the natural position. If a horse isn’t collected, the rider destroys its back. So when you teach your horse to collect, at the same time you prepare its back for the excess weight. When the horse becomes ready to except you on its back, you’ll become essential part of the lesson full of pleasure. If a man is on the right, on the left, in front, behind and then on the back, a horse should treat it as a part of a lesson. When a horse is taught to work on the ground, you’ll need only 5-10 lessons to teach him to carry saddle and excess weight. Then you saddle him and ask to do something that he already knows. And performing well-known exercise a horse will treat it as a continuation of a lesson. It won’t be stressful. Moreover the complication (the rider) of the well-known element only will raise the interest. If a horse under with the rider performs an exercise worse then without him, it means that preliminary training was not good enough. First you teach your horse in hand, then at liberty you make an exercise perfect. Only after first two steps you can ask an element from the saddle. Such training allows making an element in the saddle better. The main thing is that comparing to traditional breaking in a horse doesn’t get physical and physical traumas.

Amazing article!

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Comment by Jackie Cochran on December 15, 2014 at 1:26pm

Small horses and ponies can mature to weight carrying capabilities quicker than a larger horse (with the exception of Arabians.)

I've trained 3 horses to saddle.  The two Arabs I waited until they were four to get on their backs, after several months of lunging and long rein work.  The small Paso Fino mare, I had, smaller and more tightly "knit" in her conformation, well I did not wait as long--2 1/2, after months of lunging and long rein work, I rode her lightly and let her dictate how she went and carried herself (she was a born pacer.)  All these horses I rode Forward Seat, with my weight in the saddle as far forward as the saddle allowed, using two-point position at the beginning of increased physical demands.  I did NOT ask for collection at any point, the Paso Fino mare would collect herself when she and I finally figured out how to get the four-beat Paso gait, but I did not collect her myself, it was completely her decision.

I strongly disagree with the statement "If a horse isn't collected, the rider rider destroys its back."  I ride Forward Seat, Forward Seat riders take a lot of care not to ride "heavy" on the horse's back.  We put our weight FORWARD, on the strongest part of the horse's spine.  None of the horses I've owned had any particular back problems in spite of being trained by a beginning trainer (me), riden by a much less than perfect rider (me), and being riden in saddles that did not fit perfectly.  Since I was not rich I could never afford to send a horse out to a trainer.  However I HAVE run into back problems with mature horses who were trained with early collection, by people who presumably knew what they were doing.  I thoroughly agree with the statement that collection should not be asked for before the age of six, after at least two years of training under saddle with LOTS of work outside the ring.  Moments of collection should be BRIEF at first, and gradually increased as the horse tells you he is ready for it--most people however train for showing of some sort, and do not think they have the time for this slow development.  THEY often ruin the backs of the horses.

I do not use collection much (unless the horse offers it of his own free will), if the horse collects itself under me (usually because I am not light enough in the rein and use my legs,) I tend to let it have a few steps, and then if the horse does not get out of collection himself I politely ask him to lengthen his stride.  Too much collection, especially too much collection by a rider who does not understand collection, tends to make the horses unsuitable for riding.  (When a trainer has been training for decades they tend to learn how to gauge this correctly.)  Collection is HARD on the hocks, hard for the most mobile part of the back (because the rider's weight is back right over it,) and hard on the sacro-iliac joint.

Slow work, gradually increasing the difficulty of the work, always listening to the horse and backing off it the horse says he just isn't up to it today (this takes experience to hear the horse right), realizing it takes at least 2 years of basic training and conditioning before doing specialized training for the various horse sports, this is what develops a sound, sane riding horse who can also perform well for many years.

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