Hey bloggers,

This week's blog is going to be taking a look at Omega Alpha supplements. This highly regarded supplement company provides natural supplements for horses in Canada and the USA. Celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, Omega Alpha has over 30 products to assist and promote equine health. All their products are personally made by the company and uses the finest natural ingredients for each supplement. Omega Alpha specializes in natural formulations for enhancing equine health and performance. Many top level competition horses use Omega Alpha products to keep them in top shape for competition, and provides nutrients that a horse may be lacking. At Baker's, we carry a wide supply of Omega Alpha products, and we have a display so you can see the variety of supplements available. 

Some of the most popular Omega alpha products include: 

1) Biotic 8; This supplement is great because it is a probiotic that deals with the digestive tract. Taken from the Omega Alpha website, here are all the functions of the Biotic 8 Supplement.

  • Good bacteria to promote optimum intestinal health
  • Carbohydrate that promotes the growth of the good bacteria.
  • Source of iodine to support the thyroid gland, and provide essential minerals in a bioavailable form.
  • Soothing to stomach ulcers and heals the gut.
  • Soothes and heals the gut.
  • Source of omega 3 essential fatty acids for healthy coats, lignans (powerful antioxidants).
  • Natural source of several minerals, boosts energy, binds to toxins.
  • Source of essential B vitamins.
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
  • Digestive enzyme to help digest proteins.
  • Digestive enzyme to help digest carbohydrates.
  • Digestive enzyme to help digest cellulose and thus increase the absorption of phytonutrients from plant material.

2) Sinew-X; This is a leading supplement for muscle, joint and ligament care. It incorporates MSM (Methyl Sulphonyl Methane), Glucosamine and other ingredients to maintain healthy muscle, joint and ligament care. 

3) Chill; This Omega Alpha product is used to calm excitable horses especially horses with pre-performance jitters. This is a natural product that relieves equine anxiety in a beneficial way. This supplement provides the following functions:

  • Calms the spirit
  • Calms and reduces anxiety
  • Calms the spirit
  • Reduces stress


4) AntiFlam; This is a supplement that deals with relieving pain for your horses from strenuous exercise, old age, etc. Its functions include: 

  • Alleviates rheumatic pains and body aches, especially in the back, joints, legs and feet. Can be used for both chronic and acute cases.
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory in muscles, feet and joints, also relieves pain
  • Anti-inflammatory encourages repair of damaged tissue.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect strengthens the capillaries to prevent swelling.
  • Anti-inflammatory for ligaments and joints.
  • Supplies sulphur to the body; important for many biochemical reactions in the body.

5) Healthy Horse; this product is great because it combines four of Omega Alpha's best selling products which are HEMEX (blood builder), Immune Boost, Liver Flush, and Lung Flush. The functions of this supplement are the following: 

-->HEMEX is an effective liquid herbal extract that has been proven to treat anaemia by increasing red cell counts. Increasing the red cell count is especially important for high performance horses.
-->IMMUNE BOOST, when used regularly, will stimulate the horse’s immune system and thus help decrease the incidence of illness caused by viruses and bacteria. Equine Immune Boost can also be used to treat a horse with viral illness. It will decrease the severity and the down time from illness.
-->LIVER FLUSH is used to cleanse and support the liver. The liver is the site of detoxification of drugs (e.g. steroids), synthesis of proteins, glycogen and fats. The liver is the most metabolically active organ in the body. In order to have a healthy horse it is important that the liver be functioning at its peak efficiency.
-->LUNG FLUSH is used to help clean and support the lungs. It provides antioxidant support to the lungs and increases lung metabolism thus increasing the efficiency of oxygen intake. Since the lungs are the only place in the body where oxygen exchange occurs, it must function at peak efficiency if the horse is to have an optimum performance.

These are 5 Omega Alpha products that are very popular, and each helps in a different area within equine health. Here is the link to their website for more information http://www.omegaalphaequine.com/. At Baker's, we carry a wide selection of Omega Alpha products so if you are interested in giving your horse a new natural supplement, than pick up your Omega Alpha products from Baker's on your next visit :) Have a great rest of your weekend everyone! 

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