We first met Joy last December after she was taken in by the incredible people at Quest Equine Welfare in Australia.

Joy had been found at one day old, lying in the mud in an abandoned field, having been there all night in the driving rain and cold.   READ: The Story of Joy


In the months since we met her, Joy has been thriving, to say the least! Scroll down to see what she's been up to!!



Welcoming friends to the farm...


"Could this be a long lost relative from the tall side of the family?"



Studying to be a vet assistant!

"Oh, can I give the shots this time? Can I? Can I?"


Taking time out for a healthy meal...

"I'm not hungry, I'll just have a light lunch."



Helping around the house!


"I wonder what those bubbles taste like..."



Expressing her artistic side with arts & crafts.

"Just one more stone and my masterpiece is complete!"



And when the folks at Quest need some help with their accounting, who do they come to? Joy!!

" Boy, these humans. Do I have to do everything for them??"




But Joy is not always the perfect girl...

"Hmmm...if I can just get a hold, maybe I can unwind this all over the house. They'll never suspect it was me!"


Any other captions you'd like to add to the ones we've come up with?

Post them in the comments below!!




Joy is now an entrepreneur! Be sure to visit her shop!!


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Comment by Abigail on June 10, 2011 at 5:09pm
Wow! She looks absolutely beautiful! I'm very joyous for her :)
Comment by Quest Equine Welfare Inc. on June 9, 2011 at 8:42pm

Thanks so much Barnmice for your interest in little Joy, and for sharing her story with your lovely members. We named her before she was 24 hrs old, and we had no idea just how appropriate her name would come to be. She has brought so much 'joy' to so many already, and really is one of those 'old souls in a young body'. She has so much understanding and compassion within her, it's hard not to think that she was sent to us to work with us on behalf of all the horses who are so sadly treated as her mother was.

We recently had a very disturbed big Thoroughbred surrendered to us who had many emotional issues. Do you know that Joy tuned into this, and she stood with that huge horse for weeks on the other side of the yard rails, and he was lost without her. If she wandered off any distance he would become distressed and try to call for her. He actually couldn't whinny at all due to a previous throat operation, but Joy knew, and she'd come toddling back to him. It was definitely not a case of Joy wanting the company, as she's a completely confident and independant little girl who can take or leave 'horsey' company. She helped this big boy through what was a very tough time for him. She has a heart the size of Texas. We love her dearly.

Here she is babysitting her charge:

Comment by Mary-Joe Figueira on June 9, 2011 at 6:20pm

This is  what life is all about. Helping the innocent who can't help themselves. Hooray for places like Quest Equine. Hooray for all those people who help keep horses from slaughter. Hooray for all the horse rescue places.

Such a lovely story. Can you tell I am emotional about this?

Comment by Scott Wood on June 9, 2011 at 5:40pm
How could anyone do anything less than everything to help these sweet animals, any animals?
Comment by Grace Clairmont on June 9, 2011 at 4:35pm
this is sooo sweet!
Comment by Bea Grinton on June 9, 2011 at 1:12pm
Wonderful and heartwarming story. Thank God you found her and saved her life.
Comment by sue knettle on June 9, 2011 at 12:42pm
wonderful story,I have a pony and they are a JOY to have around
Comment by Lee Stempski on June 9, 2011 at 12:18pm
What a sweet story... and a little bundle of mischief! lol....:)
Comment by Jennifer Lamm on June 9, 2011 at 12:05pm
Oh my gosh, she's runnin the joint, LOL... my orphaned foal is 15.3 now..... and gets grumpy if he doesn't get to be boss....... thanks for helping joy!!

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