Timika F's Comments

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At 7:36pm on April 16, 2009, Alyssa Penney said…
hey mika. sorry i havnt been on here in ages, i was banned from like, everything haha. :S
yeah im coming to the school!
ill see you there!!
At 8:12pm on April 15, 2009, Georgia Smith said…
yep I LOVE the group so far and always will!.

At 7:56pm on April 15, 2009, Rachel Heysen-Smith said…
Thank you!!! I love her, She feels so good when she jumps!!! SHe is so amazing!! I LOVE HER SOOOO MUCH!!! Steph took that photo, its my favourite.

At 7:01pm on April 12, 2009, Georgia Smith said…
hi mika sorry my message was sooo late, at strath hack show I won 3 1st ,3 2nd and a Reserve Champion, we had a fab time.

At 6:56pm on April 12, 2009, Rachel said…
Hi Timika HAPPY EASTER to you too and your MUM!
tell your mum shes looking trim and terrific well done!
Ask your mum if shes going to geoffs clinic and riding
At 4:18pm on April 12, 2009, Dori Nowazek said…
hey Happy easter to you to!!!!

At 10:15am on April 12, 2009, Sascia said…
Happy Easter to you too!!!!
At 4:19am on April 12, 2009, Georgia Smith said…
At 12:06am on April 12, 2009, Rachel Heysen-Smith said…

At 6:21pm on April 6, 2009, laurenl said…
Hi Timika,
hopefully I'll visit Aus later this year, the weathers starting to warm up heaps over here, it's like being back home :) my msn/hotmail is
laurenlovick@hotmail.com add me!
from Lauren x
At 4:15am on April 4, 2009, Georgia Smith said…
hi, yep were going to the Strath Hack Show in stead of Riding club.

At 11:25pm on April 2, 2009, Geoffrey Pannell said…
still had a good day though
At 3:02am on April 1, 2009, Geoffrey Pannell said…
Hi Timika, Kate was 3rd after the dressage and I was 6th . We both jumped clear SJ rounds. Things fell apart in the x-country!! Kate fell off!! She came around a corner to a skinny and the jump judges were sitting strait opposite, then they stood up just as she turns , poor Bundy thought they were scarecrows and jumped sideways , dumping Kate on the ground!!!! I had a silly runout coming out of the water , and a stop at the same fence Kate fell at. Itchy was too busy looking at the judges and didn't see the jump.
At 2:22am on April 1, 2009, Amber J. said…
shes is really pretty shes not mine of course she is one of my horse friends yess i might be taking her i am going to ride one of our other horses tonight and see how he is for RC

curky has an absus in his foot he will not be alright for geoffs school so geoff offered to use one of his horses but we will see
At 5:54am on March 30, 2009, Amber J. said…
well bevan our fairer and the chiropractor are going tomorrow and now curly is lame! (IT COULD NOT GET ANY WORSE)
his back leg is all swollen and is is limping really really badly only walking on tip of his hoof
there is no absus (sp?) or rock
At 6:20am on March 28, 2009, laurenl said…
Hi Timika,

Englands not bad, apart from it being cold all the time! Even when english people think that it's a warm day, I'm still in a jumper! There's heaps more choice of clothes and at the shops theres a hundred different varieties of everything like ceral and bread and stuff. The lollies are really cheap and so is chocolate. I still get to ride sometimes (there are stables at the big park near where I live) except I'm really busy most of the time with school work cos I'm doing 'A-levels' which is like SACE, for senior students and it's really hard. I've just been elected as Head Girl of my school though, so thats pretty cool. Maybe when I'm finished school I'll finally buy my own horse-can't wait to come back to South Australia and visit Geoff's place :) When are your holidays? will you be going to one of Geoff's schools? ok cya, form Lauren :D
At 11:56pm on March 27, 2009, Georgia Smith said…
Thanks!, I'm in good hands, rider and Pair of riders with kelly. But I'm not sure what time it would be but I think that it would be in the morning, not sure what day, Guess what...... were got a new horse for Kelly called Bazil

At 5:12am on March 25, 2009, Georgia Smith said…
Hey mika
Just letting you know that I'm riding in the Royal Adelaide Show for 3 events and I'm sooo excited because it's going to be my first time!. Kelly mite be in it as well!.

At 4:11pm on March 23, 2009, Sascia said…
When you were four!!!!! I have been waiting for 7 years!!
At 2:06pm on March 23, 2009, laurenl said…
Hey Timika, it's great to hear from you!

Congratulations for jumping a metre! You must be getting to be a fantastic rider these days. How is China? Been to any shows lately? How's Geoff's new cross country course coming on? I'll join your jumping rox group for sure :)
ok seeya soon,
from Lauren

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