Pat Parelli Responds to Catwalk Video

Pat Parelli has done an open letter via video video about the Catwalk demo.

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Comment by Kairen Jamieson on July 17, 2010 at 3:06pm
Too true Sassy...they have not even bothered to walk a mile in their own shoes nevemind anyone elses' to be giving opinions.
I am not saying they "should not have" to explain their actions...just that their actions should not need it...if their system was "the end all of all systems" as they preach...the results and actions should be clear for any horseperson to see and matter the seems that the knowledgable horse people are the ones who are really question Parellies abilities....have you ever had to question a video put out by another like say...GM or WAZ or Reiner Klimke....where they needed to explain their actions for the knowledgeable person to get??
Cause according to Parelli...we are just "not getting it" and what was being done.
*actually...they are right...I do not get is not NH...or any real training program that benefitted this horse...the blind horse...the lack of wearing a helmet as it can unbalance a rider...*
Comment by Ayesha on July 17, 2010 at 3:06pm
What a load of rubbish. He should admit that he was wrong, that his approach was wrong out of order and darn right cruel and disrespectful towards the horse.
He claims to be one of the most up to date and superior horsemen of our time and what I saw in that video was ignorance, cruelty and certainly nothing 'natural'. I think over time this man has become more about 'hear say' and people saying what a 'good horseman' he is rather than him proving it, and if that is him proving himself as a horseman I hope that him and his wife put down their hats and walk away from the horse world all together.
It is treatment shown in that video that leads to distressed, anxious, headshy and nervous horses leaving people such as myself to pick up the peices.
The whole show and approach was out of order and I myself am still outraged that nothing was said or done and that he will still continue this approach. it is not the first time I have seen it, and I am certain it wont be the last, I just pray that people find their voiceboxes and stand up for the next horse that happens to fall into his 'method of training'
A horse that is fearful of something should not have that fear forced upon him in a coral with hundreds of eyes, speakers and a man who clearly hasn't got a clue. In my opinion it should have beem addressed by a kinder person who would take time and build up the confidence gradually rather than a showman who claims he performs miracles.

I am disgusted.
Comment by A_Sassy_Temptation on July 17, 2010 at 2:09pm
"I had to prove to him that he did not need to fear it" quote from the nice terms he just agrred that he needed to force this horse, in order for it to trust. SO if I took this into account, and I have a horse that doesn't like anything going over its head (blankets, bridles, halters, anything) I should tie its head down (with a twitch, or a gumline) and force it to accpet it so it realises its no harm. well I think it would just add to the horses feeling of insecurity, how about unstead, I brush and work on that area in the freedom of a round pen, if he gets nervous and wants to leave then he can work around me, and when he wants to come back and stay in the safety zone with me and be still I will try working on that area again, if he leaves again he gets worked. That way I am not once making him uncomfortable as he can leave anytime but must accept the consequence (which is more work than realising the bridle wont bite). I do ahve a horse that dislikes anything going over its head, and I do exactly this, I bridled him for the first time with no hesitation because I worked with a halter and saddle pads before hand.

As for Kairen Jamieson, if the parelli's can't walk the walk while they are talking the talk, get off stage. I was waiting for something like this from them, and they should be explaining, just like anky has too with Rolkur, and AQHA, and APHA had to suck it up and makes some rules and regulations with HYPP and the 4 beating lope in western pleasure (just to name a few).
Comment by LantzM on July 17, 2010 at 1:28pm
Well Pat, the attendees were able to leave, gums intact. I have spent my life dealing with problem horses and seeking solutions to problems and refuse to stoop to the methods shown on this video. What you showed the World openly was not passive persistance, natural horemanship or even training, it was simply physical dominance. The result of a cowboys hat becoming too tight for a swollen head. It is my sincere hope that you take the time to stop, reflect, review and redirect your blame and the future. You are the human in control, make the right choices and better horses.
Lantz McLaren
Comment by Jackie Cochran on July 17, 2010 at 10:14am
Yes, there are some horses who take a while to decide to cooperate. What else is new in the universe?
What I find hard to deal with is the demonstrations in which there is NO reward for the horse when the horse starts doing what the handler wants. All I see is the repetition of the cue, even harder. If I were the horse I would feel punished for trying to obey my handler.
Comment by Kairen Jamieson on July 17, 2010 at 9:13am
I find it hard to accept that the Parellies are forever having to "explain" themself publicly so many times...if it is not having to explain away Lindas' actions with a blind horse...or their reasoning for "not" wearing a is the treatment of a horse at a clinic...this could also be some of the reason video taping is not allowed at such demonstrations...that and the monoply they want to sell...sell...sell their merchandise.
To me...imho.....while the Parelli has a good "theoretical base" for their program...they have not the ability to execute/demonstrate it themself.

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