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...not sure if this one really counts...

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I honestly LOVED the way you started your post Jennifer.
>>Toby Keith Urban, 22, Jennifer Lamm, 44... my first pony.... we are still together
Nicely said … and You Both Look VERY Happy Together, and in the end .. Isn’t THAT what having a horse is all about??? … A mutually “Happy/Fulfilling” relationship with our 4 legged partner??

Congratulations from me as well Catherine … qualifying for the NAJYRC.. WOW!!
*looking at the pic You've posted*
And that’s Your FIRST Pony???
Good Stuff!!!
…*laughing* …
Geeeeeeeze … look at YOUR first pony .. Then look at me on my Donny
You and your first pony were doing dressage, jumping and team penning …
…me…. I was riding across the pastures, over to the neighbors place once a day to collect a gallon jar of milk. (they had a dairy)

I don’t know Ottilie, something wrong with this overall picture.
Is it that I’m Old???
haha, thanks everyone! I just recently saw the trainer of the kid who bought him and she said they are now showing dressage together. She also said that he goes out in his pasture every morning for a nap in the sun! It made me so happy to know he was doing well.

And as for the NAJYRC... I'm now officially on the team and we're leaving for the Kentucky Horse Park in about three weeks! I'm so excited and I know we're going to have so much fun!

All you're pictures are great, and even if you didn't train or compete seriously your ponies must have at least shown you how great horses are if you're still involved with horses today. Happy riding everyone! :)
Woooooooo Hoooooooo!!!!
Way To Go Catherine!!!!
I can't wait to read all about the adventure and to see the pictures you're Surely Going To Post!!!
How Exciting For You!!!
...lol ... here's me getting ALL EXCITED, and I'm not the one going!!!

Yup ... I agree with you about "how it feels" to know a horse that we have had .. is healthy, happy, and appreciated in their New Home!!

I may post a couple of other pictures of horses I had back in the "dark ages"
...*laughing* ... Growing up I was fortunate to have always had horses in my life, and EACH And Every One Of them was a treasure in their own way ... and is now a Wonderfully Warm memory!! :)
Me too, we always had horses; they taught us so much and kept us away from boys with fast cars ;-P
Hi Barbara... this horse had a lot of baggage... for you to say that he looks happy just makes my heart melt.... he was passed around and passed around... now after 5 years together, I feel that he is feeling a permanence he might have never known..... :) yes, that is what it is about for me.... it takes time for some horses to bond.... I wonder how they feel about their first person. :)
Jennifer ...... that comment from you honestly had me reaching for the tissues.
# 1 - because you have the sensitivity to know and understand that our "Horses" can also come into the relationship with "baggage" .. and you have the mind, care, and patience .. to work through what you can and accept your 4 legged partner for who he is.
# 2 - because you're allowing and encouraging the "Bond" that will allow your poor guy to maybe ... Finally begin to trust that he's home!!
# 3 - that you're wondering how "Horses" might "feel"
Isn't it sad that there are Sooooooo many people out there, who remain Clueless that animals in general are living, breathing, Feeling counterparts to us!!
They Have Emotions and can be happy, or sad, anxious, or depressed, scared, angry, etc etc etc

How LUCKY Your guy is to have You!!!
...great... now I need more tissues!! ;-) ...lol...
Oh you make me feel like I can come home to barnmice and it is a safe and caring place to talk about my horses. :). Thank you so much
Sorry to break the conversation but what a great first pony picture. Your toy horse would count more than mine, if I could ever find a picture at my mom's house, since yours had a real saddle and bridle! Unlike you ladies all I got to ride as a kid was a plastic horse and a bike. So now I have to make up for that.
Actually ...my FIRST horse was a gorgeous dapple grey .. well .. it was a metal thing that I rode,
I can barely remember it, but it was sort of a push down ..stand up .. push down .. stand up .. it would only go in straight lines so I'd have to get off it every 3 feet or so and get it back on the sidewalk .. unfortunately, the few pics of that pony were lost years and years ago in a house fire.
....but as I recall, growing up ... Any Thing I straddled became a Fabulous Fiery Horse. that Only I Could Ride!! ... *thinking about it* ... lol ... nahhh ... didn't need to straddle anything to be aboard a Horse.
What Horse crazy person doesn't recall galloping about on your own legs .. practicing lead changes, jumping logs, pawing the ground ..... SURELY I wasn't the Only One!!! :-o
~ Barby
Oh! Barby!! he he! I remember all the girls (half were horses, half were riders - but it was possible to change species at any given time) in my class cantering around the playground with jump ropes for reins -it was like an imaginary horseback soap opera: these games could go on all week!

I also broke my toe once playing cross country courses in the garden with my sisters (with bare feet ;-( ouch)

Is it a girl thing?
Hi Mary, hope you're enjoying lots of real horse time now :-)
My first pony is the one in my photo -- we found each other when he was four and I was 43. A dream come true after a life time of dreaming. We are MFEO IMHO -- I'm a writer; he came with the registered name "Shakespeare." ;-)

Your photo is very sweet ...


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