I have two mare horses and for some reason they just can't get along. We got our second horse about a month ago. When we introduced them to each other they did ok for awhile. We let them out in the big pasture so they could figure out who was gona be the dominant horse. Well we let them just graze with each other and finally left each other alone. So at the end of the day we were gona pin them together since we thought that they had already established dominance and boy was i wrong, they start kickin and running around almost tearing down the fence. So then we go in and seperate them, well we were gona move the second horse we got to another pin and what do u think happens they both start goin crazy because we were seperating them. They can't be together and at the same time can't be apart. I just don't get it. So what i had to do was build a pin beside each other so they would calm down.  So far it's been goin good but from time to time my horse which is the first horse we got will go beside the fence and try kickin the other horse through the fence. If i can get any kind of advice or some kind of training that i need to try please let me know. Thanks

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I used to have two mares that would not get along, one would bully the other and try to drive her through the fences. I ended up keeping them in two adjacent paddocks made up out of livestock panels, always feeding them as far apart as possible, and they eventually came to a type of peace--as long as the fence was between them. Even after that, if I tried to put them together, the bully mare would terrorize the other mare. So long a fence was between them everything was fine, they would even stand head to tail and groom each other some through the panel, but without the fence between them there was always chaos and confusion.
So good luck, I hope your situation works out much better, but be prepared for the possibility that nothing but separating them by a sturdy fence works. You may even find that some parts of the year things are calm, but when spring comes and the hormones start flowing that the old battles start again. I know, this is very frustrating, especially when you are trying to do the right thing and give your horse equine companionship.


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