What a show Fuego XII and Juan Manuel Munoz Diaz gave the crowd for the Musical Freestyle.

As the evening unfolded it seemed that one after another the riders and horses gave better and better performances.  As Bob and I watched we agreed with the judging and placing of the entrants until we made it into the second round.  We just enjoyed a spectacular show.


I went to see Fuego XII, up close and personal, as I hope to breed Fiesta D to him next year.  I was also hoping to see Senor Cardenas personally; we have been corresponding via email.  Well our tickets placed us completely around the arena and across the entry lane from him.  I vowed to not have any disappointment over such a small item as I was there after all to see the performances of the world’s greatest horses and riders. 


I had been watching the show all week, at home, on FEITV.  Of course during the broadcast the warm-up area was often shown.  As I walked to my section of seats in "C", more or less located at F at the rail I noticed the most wonderful opportunity opening up to me.  We were at the warm-up arena and entry lane where everyone passed before and after their performance.  I was elated.  We checked the schedule and I made my plan, I was going to see my hero at 9:00pm, up close and personal after all.  With great seats after all. 


We were not disappointed.  I kept careful attention to the time. I met the Canadians seated next to me and the couple from Boston on the other side.  We chatted between performances.  At 9:00 I headed to the gate to see Fuego XII.


I watched him for 15 minutes while he warmed up and Juan Munoz Diaz talked to his team and coaches.  He walked right in front of me and stopped as they approached the entrance of the arena.

What a moment, and what a horse.


I ran to the stands and made it to a spot where the attendant allowed me to stand during the performance, not at my seat, but I was about at A and had a great view.


There was a little laughter to start, as Fuego was distracted to rub his leg, then we saw the performance of a life-time.


The music started in the classical Spanish style, as Fuego XII warmed up the crowd.  The music really set the mood, snapping castanets and strumming guitar in perhaps Malaguena, sorry I can’t remember yet, and the stunning beauty of the silver gray stallion was a site you could not take your eyes from.  The music changed tempo as the pace changed around the arena but they held your interest, perhaps better than others, because of the snappy tempo that matched Fuego's energetic pace.


When the Spanish music faded into mostly percussion the pair rocked the house with passage and pirouettes to the beat, they headed across the arena to strings and orchestral background then floated as the theme of "There's a Summer Place" showcased the effortless one tempi changes.  When Munoz Diaz dropped one gloved hand to his side while performing these changes the whole audience gave a cheer.  It was chilling, everyone shared the moment and the cheering continued as they wrapped one end of the arena and did it again.  At that moment Fuego XII and Juan Manuel Munoz Diaz had stolen the show.


The crowd was on their feet and the noise gave the star performer a startle, but for a moment.  I can't imagine the joy in the hearts of Munoz Diaz and Senor Cardenas and the whole of Spain for that matter.


I had wondered if the performance they were so happy with at the Grand Prix Special was going to leave Fuego XII a little tired for this show, I thought he had given all there was in him but, I was so wrong.  The team may have given 110% for that show but here they found their extra reserve.  It was truly all you could expect from each one of the pair, it was an unforgettable performance. 


The World knows Fuego XII and Juan Manuel Munoz Diaz.


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Not only does the world know Fuego XII now, the world knows that the judges really fouled up by not putting Diaz on the podium after the freestyle. That crowd told us who the gold medal really belonged to! What a horse and what clever artistry in choice of music. The Spanish team can be very proud indeed!
What a lovely reply Margaret. i wanted to see Juan Munoz Diaz on that podium too.
As you will read in another remark posted here, it was such a victory for the PURA RAZA ESPANOLA horse, to get the 81.45 from the judges that it was huge for the breed to accomplish this.
The crowd let Fuego and Juan Munoz Diaz and Senor Cardenas know that the Spanish team had indeed won their admiration.
Thank you for replying with your support. That was the hit of 2010. I can't wait for his next time out. i know he will be celebrating in Spain.
Wasn't it fun! I have been reading your other discussion about the difference in types of training methods for dressage. If you haven't read anything by Michael Shaffer or Michel Henriquet, find their books. Perhaps there has always been the arguement of what the 'right' method for training should be, We(each of us)have to learn more and find out for ourself what is right. I can tell you that with my first Morgan I rode saddleseat because everyone I knew did. Since I knew what my horse liked, I had broke him myself and often rode bareback, when the saddleseat lessons became less fun and my horse liked it less I just quit. I might have needed a different instructor, but I was too young to know. The first dressage instructor I was introduced to happened to have been trained by JEAN CLAUDE RACINET -get his books too-and the method was called 'RIDING IN LIGHTNESS.' Now I know what that really means, I have learned to give the horse space to move forward, to have patience for the horse to develop the ability to do the movements and that nothing can replace real understanding of the classical methods. I think that you (and I) are interested in what is good for the horse. You can tell by watching someone's actions if the method is really good for the horse. I think that if I couldn't do it to a 4 year old human it may not be right for my horse. Trust that you will keep looking until you find the right instructor. Just quit the ones that don't do it right, you don't have to try to change them or argue with them.
Click on this link for a super video of the ride. :)
I so agree, that he should have been placed higher, especially after the quite noticeable bobble of Totillas........but then again, after all Totillas has done this year, ......logically, he was the horse to beat.

I had forgotten about Fuego (after seeing him for the first time at the Olympics), but as soon as he came out, I remembered......this is the horse that I loved watching ...... he just really stands out, doesn't he.

As I watched his Freestyle performance on tv.....I was grinning from ear to ear....and little goosebumps were popping up everywhere LOL! I really have not been that moved by a performance, since Blu Hors Mantinee showed us her unforgetable charm and athleticism on that special night.

Fuego is one magnificent animal, and his rider is more of what I would love to see in Dressage. Cudos also to Ashley Holzer and the big smile she had on her face all the way though her performance.

I can't possibly imagine how excited you are at the prospect of breeding your mare to this stallion. I hope it all goes the way you plan, and thanks for posting your commentary. That is one performance I would have loved to see in person!!!!!
You are so right Nora, it reminded me of the captivation by Blu Hors Matinee too.
I mentioned that as we watched one after another we found the beauty in each performance. We were the big winners to see 15 of the world's finest. It was wonderful to be able to feel it in person, as the show seemed to get better and better and here in these wonderful UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AT LAST!
Juanma: You and Fuego have earned the gold medal in these WEG.
Fighting against the impossible, and almost beat him, is a victory !
As we have already said here, obscure interests, judges with very little shame (and can not find the glasses )..... etc, etc have made fire not medal in Kentucky, but what he has achieved this CAMPEADOR CID SMALL YOUR BABIECA is very big, very important, immensely transcendent to the world of horses in Spain.
So you have to be happy and proud
I would like to make special mention:
Ignacio Rambla and Evento and who were the initiators of this battle against the impossible.
Rafael Soto and Invasor (not forgetting the excellent work and generosity of Antonio Cid) to know to continue the battle with intelligence, perseverance, classy and demonstrating that our horse could also be ten.
Not forgett the REAAE and D. Alvaro Domecq.
These are three very important pillars in the history of our PRE
Hope for the Future: North and Jose Antonio Garcia Mena.
Important, now, the work of all and especially the ANCCE (if you know or can not, leave kids) so that this is not a simple story (which is what from the FEI will want to do.) Change the rules and can not (unless they penalize to be TORDOS), preventing the presence of TORDOS in international competition may not, but try to get our horse not to get what you deserve, why?, do not be in any doubt they'll try. So from the Federation and objectively, to fight against people from FEI.
I encourage everyone, today is a memorable day for the small but GREAT "Andalusian horse."
ANDALUSIAN: How I like that name!
And finally:
Thanks Topiberian, these WEG, with this extraordinary Web and your "Huevs"(eggs) have passed into history of communication as the small Andalusian horse in the history of horse world.
And you spend a part of the team to win the battle.
Thank you, thank you very much from deepest of my heart
This my place on facebook to support spanish team
You are all welcome !


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