I'm starting a bragging thread where everyone can talk about progress they've made on their horse (big or small), something really great that they've just learned, congratulate their friends, family, riding students, or themselves on small and large accomplishments that they have recently had (in horses and in life).

I have one to start:

1. Congratulations to Barnmice member Katherine, who performed incredibly and sang an amazing solo in the university show. (video posted)

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I have an extremely sensitive Morgan/Clyde. I broke him, but was having difficulty keeping consistency in our ride. Speed and gait... I started to take some lessons with Ann Allen from Truro, and although it costs me to have her come all the way to my farm, it has been well worth it. I'm an experienced rider, but I needed refreshing. I believe that all riders, no matter what level need schooling from someone else. I now have a horse who goes amazing when I get it all correct. Getting it all correct is extremely tough for me, i have a lot of old habits to break. Ann has wonderful philosophy and horse management knowledge too. Can't thank her enough! And I'm very proud of my handsome boy that I am trying to make more time for to go even further with him!
I'm really proud that my wonderful youngster Provence is now going like a star under saddle. The lovely Olivier (a very sexy french eventer - I can say that because he doesn't use the internet!) put 3 weeks training on him, but he is now home & utterly blissful to ride.

Next step is to get out competing after Christmas! (& to get some pics of him for my barnmice profile!)
Congrat's Sandy and Chris! I love getting great help with my horse. Oh, and Chris, glad you had that little bonus of being helped by a hot eventer!!

& because you can can never have enough pics :-) here's the two of them looking good (this is 4th ride under saddle).

Just had a great day at the Macclesfield show . Took three ponies for the kids ( two of my kids and another pupil, his first show) and my budding showjumper. The kids had a great time with their freinds in the encourage ring, and nick ( my 7year old) won two rider classes and a third in the pony hack . His sister Briony (who is 5 in April) was third in the under 8 rider class . So I have my chest puffed out as the proud father, they also placed in some noveilty classes , 8 ribbons in all. The other boy ,James , rode in the 60cm showjump (he's only been riding 4 months) .Jumping very well till the 8th jump when the pony said NO , james slid off the side as she turned off to the side, but gee he rode well till that jump. James finished the day with 3 ribbons and an understanding of what to expect at a show. There were more of my pupils at the show haveing fun and riding well, but I DON'T want to brag to much . My horse went well also bur more about that later . Cheers Geoff
Congrat's to all!
What a cute photo! :)
Today was steller. My mini was responsive at liberty, changed direction walk trot, but the icing on the cake was hold up the halter, make the come hither sign and he cantered to me!!! I harnessed him for ground driving, sans breast plate and his walk was finally relaxed.

I was so inspired I brought out dear Briskgo. I have been working with Karen Parker a clicker trainer that lives in our little town. I have wanted stretch at walk trot canter. Today I had stretch at all three gaits at liberty, and stretch under saddle walk/trot. Thank you Karen P. and thank you for the bragging page.
I would like to Congratulate British Olympic Dressage Team member Laura Bechtolsheimer who went round a pre-novice event, even though she rides dressage not eventing! http://www.horsehero.com/1180/competition-turnout-and-travel/5747
I have had my ottb for 3 months. When I first got him he didn;t even know canter aids. Now he collects at all paces, leg yeilds, does pathetic half passes and I have jumped him 1.05 metres. We have also overcome a very dangerous rearing issue. I am pretty proud of my boy and all we have achieved.
I own a 9 yr old Canadian gelding, who has been known to be extremely 'hot' until about 6-8 months ago. He had gotten to the point where my very experienced friend no longer wanted to ride him as he felt like a firecracker waiting to happen. He started to mellow when I put him on pasture board as I was recuperating from surgery and was not able to ride. Once I was able to get back in the saddle, I moved him to as stabling facility which offered outside board with other horses 24/7. We have been at this facility for the last 6 months.
The other day the farrier was out to trim up BJ's toes. He was being very good, standing, waiting, etc. Myself, the farrier and a fellow boarder were having a friendly chat as the farrier worked. (3 dogs live at this facility, 2 boarder collies and a cross breed, all friendly.) The cross breed was munching away on the trimmings, along came the younger collie who decided he wanted the same morsel as the cross breed. Meanwhile, I am holding my horse, the farrier is holding one leg working, the other boarder is chatting. Suddenly, a dog fight broke out right under my horse's tummy! BJ was a star, did not move, flinch, blink - no movement at all! If this had happened a few months earlier at a previous stable, I would have been trampled and the farrier would have been mush.
We were able to break up the dogs after throwing something in their direction, as nothing else would sway their attention (neither were hit) and shooed them off to their respective areas.
A couple of minutes later the farrier dropped one of her tools and BJ flinched!
You just never know what will make them react.
I have only been jumping for a little over a year and I have only had my horse for about a year as well. She's a pro but has had to deal with me learning and has had a great deal of patience while I get the hang of things. We just recently started cantering the entire course which has been so exciting for us. Last night we had one of the best lessons, getting our lead changes, making all of our strides, etc. We have our first show together in about 4 weeks and after last night I feel much better about it.
Yay for everyone here! I love reading these!! :)


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