How does everyone here stay in shape? Do you cross train somehow? Do you find it harder to keep up your fitness level?
I cross train in Karate, which really helps with my strength and balance. A friend of mine runs half marathons!

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I used to run, and do the gym. Ever since I got horses they are all I do. I usually groom for best part of an hour, very strenuously, especially during mud and shedding seasons. Amber loves to be brushed, and leans into the brush. It really shows in my shoulder and chest muscles! I've been having arthritis and tendonitis in one shoulder though, to the point that you can see the atrophy from me doing more work with the other arm.

Other than that I just ride, but I do ride pretty hard.
Oh, and I have been doing it so long that I take it for granted and forgot to mention, that I do some yoga stretches before and during the ride. I bought a DVD a long time ago called "Yoga for the Rider" or words to that effect, and that is my routine. It's nice that my horse can just walk on a long rein while I do it, so we're both warming up together. Our outdoor sandring is unfenced at one end, so it's sometimes (like now when there's all that sweet spring grass that she's not pastured on yet) a nice challenge to see if I can keep her in the ring without resorting to picking up the reins.
I work with a personal trainer once a week and work out on my own once or twice more. I also am starting to learn some karate which really helps with core strength and coordination and self-awareness. Very cool. I walk the dogs (at least twice a day) and try to do yoga a couple of times a week. Otherwise my life is simply pretty active in general. I ride at least three times a week.
Good for you!
I have good intentions but never seem to find the time (or dedication ) to work out. My plan is to walk on my lunch breaks at work. Not highly ambitious but it would be a start!
Every little bit helps. I ride a number of horses every day, teach, clean stalls, rake arenas, drag hoses, play with dogs, etc., and I have an exercise program based on Pilates as well. I encourage my clients to go to the gym as well as riding, and the cross-training really makes a difference to their time in the saddle.

My Mum is 71, still riding competitively at Fourth Level, and my Dad is riding Para dressage competitively as a Grade IV, and he competes internationally. They run their farm, ride every day, clean their own barns, and go to the gym at least 4 times per week. There's no doubt that it's harder to achieve fitness (both cardiovascularly and muscularly) as one ages, so it's better to maintain it than to lose it.

I've been riding and doing chores the past 3 weeks with a cast on/pins in my right wrist (smashed it in a stable accident 5 weeks ago) just so that I don't lose all the function in my arm and hand. I'm grooming for my Dad at a CPDEI3* in Chicago in 2 weeks, and a week after that I've got two horses (plus a ton of clients) entered at First and Third Levels at a local 2 day dressage show. Fitness is essential, and I work at it every day...
I do Pilates and Yoga and lots of walking. I'm not nearly in the shape I should be though. Good Blog on fitness by EquiFITT on barnmice that has some really good fitness tips for riders
I think the MOST important thing about staying (or getting) in shape is to make it a first priority - that means you build some form of regular exercise into your day as a given. The question should be 'can I afford not to go to the gym (walk etc) today?' rather than 'when can I go to..... today?'.
I like your point ...

Riding a 16.3 hh athletic and powerful seven year old Hanoverian, as I do, means I cannot afford not to do the extra exercise. I need to be able to keep up with him and do him justice, otherwise he's wasting his time and I'm more likely to get hurt. Besides, I like how I feel when I'm fitter ... ;-)
I do yoga & pilates, to keep my flexibility & balance. And I ride, ride, ride!
I have been riding for all of my life .... trail riding, Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle.... this year I've decided to have a go at reining. My husband's stallion has reining experience and he's a real nice ride so I've been learning on's been quite a challenge. First of all Dunnie (Genuine Oso) has had his patience tried several times I'm sure. For me to ride him and give him a good work out, I first had to get into shape, I was getting winded before he was even warmed up. the only thing that really worked for me was lots of riding and each time riding longer.

We live in Ontario so the winter was very cold and I didn't ride that much....I started back mid-March and we have progressed and it's alot of with the warmer weather here, I look forward to my evenings in the barn. I do try to get out and walk or ride my bike but the main way I get in shape is hours in the saddle. At the moment I'm riding at least 5 times/week.
Tell us more about the belly dancing! How fabulous! ! Maybe you can post some exercises that we can try?!


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