I'm just wondering what interesting non-horsey books people are reading in their "spare" time. I'm working my way through "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, for the second time. I love this book and highly recommend it. What are you reading, or have you read, that you'd recommend?

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Right now I am re-reading a "space opera" series that has a serious horsewoman as one of the main characters. Every book in the series has something about horses, with a concentration of hunting/3-day eventing/racing, but also going into other horsey subjects.
The first book of this series by Elizabeth Moon is "Hunting Party" which has several pages of both riding on a stimulator, some riding lessons, and "fox" hunting. I would love to have a space age stimulator like this, it even replicates the movements of a jump, and of different types of jumps. This book's ISBN is 0-671-72176-3.
I'm reading the second book now, "Sporting Chance". This book goes into hippotherapy for a stroke victim. I really identify with this one. ISBN 0-671-87619-8.
Most of the books are space opera, with good plots and characters. This is the first science fiction series that I've run into which has horse sports as an integral part of the plot. Very enjoyable reads.
Wow, that sounds very interesting. I'm not a science fiction buff myself, but I might find this interesting given its horsey content. ;-)

I've just joined a new book club and we're reading "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society." Not a horsey book by any stretch of the imagination but certainly a compelling read. I recommend it to anyone who has an interest in post-WW2 recovery themes and exploring human relationships. I'm thinking someone will make a movie out of this one some day ...
who publishs that one Dorothy? sounds like fun
Hey Geoffrey ... this book is written by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows and published by Dial Press. It's a New York Times bestseller. While the way it's written is kind of fun (letters back and forth between people gives it an interesting pace and makes it compelling in a whole other way ... kind of like being a voyeur as you read someone else's personal correspondence) it does nevertheless deal with some heart wrenching material, such as the separation of children from their parents for the duration of the war, the Occupation, prisoners of war, the extent to which people had to go just to survive, personal conflict in the face of war,etc. It's very human. I had my eyes opened on a few things. I'd lend you my copy if you didn't live so far away ... ;-)
Thanks Dorothy, I'm sure I can find one here somewere. Always looking for a good read! :-)
I just finished quite an eye-opening read in Steve Harvey's 'Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man'. One conclusion...men are silly!

Right now, I'm reading David Foster's Autobiography 'Hitman'. It's very interesting - I'm beginning to look at some of the familiar songs that we know and love in a different light now that I know the stories behind them and the artists who wrote/sang them. He is a brilliant producer but also a bit of an ass...Oh well.
I just finished the third book of Elizabeth Moon's space opera/sport horses etc. sci-f- series, called "Winning Colors."
This book has several pages of doing a 3-Day Event, and some discussions about suitable conformation for performance horses with an emphasis on hocks. Good read. Even the space opera part. The horsey discussions are A-1.
What is space opera?!!
I consider space opera as science fiction usually mixed with either power politics and/or military (space service.) This series has both, and is very well done. In space opera the writer usually does not explain the science or engineering behind the space ships or the physics behind faster than light travel or communications, or get into deep philosophical ideas.
The term is descended from "horse opera" which described the old Western movies from the 30's, 40's, and with the advent of TV Westerns, the 1950's. I am sure that very few cowboys lived lives as shown on the silver screen, or on TV!
Thanks for the explanation. :-)
I don't usually read more than one book at a time, but I am now. I started with The White Company by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, it's supposed to be a commentary about life in 15th century England as well as an entertaining story (which it is!), then moved on to The Voyage of the Exiles by Patricia Hickman,which is about criminals in the 1700s being taken to the penal colonies in Australia, and lastly Brumbie Dust by Reginald Ottley for my horsey book. I'm also reading some old 4-H stuff that my mom's friend gave me about riding and training.
Oh dear, your mention of the book "Brumby Dust" just caused me to have a MAJOR flashback, LOL. One doesn't have to do with the other as I've never come across "Brumby Dust". I had to google my recollection to see if I remembered correctly.

Here I'm going to date myself BIG TIME! When I was a horse obsessed child we actually had a mobile library (a library that was in essentially a school bus). On Saturdays I would wait and wait and wait for the mobile library to show up so I could scour the shelves.

It was there I first discover "The Silver Brumby" book. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, LOL. I was able to request the rest of the series available, they only amounted to maybe three or four books but I was smitten as any horse mad kid could be.

H'mmmmm? Makes me want to search out the series again to see if they were as brilliant and exciting as I remember them. I suspect they are long out of print by now.

In any case, thanks for inadvertantly bringing that long ago memory to me. Someday I might actually read "Brumby Dust" but for now I may take on the mission of finding that old series!


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