As a barn owner?versus the Boarder.


when to draw the line on the care for the horse..


I am curious to see when the responsiblity of the horses regular maintenance is switched to the barn owner to/from the boarder/owner.


as someone who has boarded I would like to see hay and water, proper maintenance of fencing (or stall, including turnout), and shelter (whether its trees or a lean to), and if my horse is in a "facing death situation" they call in a vet, and then call me. I figure that is there only responsiblities.


now duh..right?


but what happens when a horse is a hard keeper? or vice versa? If they are in a herd, on free choice is it the responisblity of the owner or the barn owner to make sure the horse is at optimum weight? By this I mean the barn owner has given the horse weight ratio to the horse, and is not abusing the horse.


for me, my hard keeper, is my responsiblity to PAY for the person to feed him extra everyday, which includes the labour, and purchase of feed..which means his own private paddock, and grain/higher protein/carb ration.


for my easy keeper, its my responsiblity to work the weight off, purchase a muzzle, or get him his own private padock where they can regulate his feedings.


I don't find this at all unreasonable, but I wan tot know what others think, thanks.

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I have a very small boarding operation (6 - 8 horses) here in the BC interior. I have both been a boarder in large commercial barns and small boutique barns, and I now board horses on a small scale at my own facility.

The rules here are very clear:

1. I feed your horse four times per day: free choice hay, concentrates, vitamins/minerals, salt, and unlimited clean water. You and I decide how much of what your horse gets, depending on its workload, general condition, appetite, etc., BUT, if we disagree about something to do with feeding the final decision is MINE. The cost of the feed is my concern, and if your horse eats much more than some of the others that is also my problem, not yours. You pay your boarding fees like everyone else, and your horse gets what your horse needs. Conversely, if your horse doesn't need as much feed you still pay your boarding fees like everyone else. If your horse needs a muzzle, you will purchase it but we will ensure that he wears it.

2. In consultation with you I decide with whom your horse is turned out and where, however, your horse will be turned out from 6:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. MINIMUM every day, unless he/she is injured or ill. If, in my opinion, or in the opinion of my barn help, your horse's turnout or clothing needs adjustment or changing we will make that adjustment or change, whether or not we can reach to to discuss it. Your horse's welfare is our first and foremost concern, and we will make any call we deem necessary to safeguard it.

3. You may make private arrangements for veterinary consultations and farrier work, etc., and we will do our best to cover your horse's handling for those consultations should you not be available. Alternatively, your horse can be booked with the rest of the barn, which will save you call fees. I book the vaccination and worming dates, and every horse is vaccinated and wormed in accordance with the barn schedule, as that is safest in the long term for everyone. If I feel, or my barn help feels, that your horse is not receiving adequate care from your vet or farrier we WILL intervene, and the situation must be rectified to our satisfaction.

4. Horses and tack must be well cleaned every time they are used. Horses must not be turned out hot and dirty, and tack must be cleaned every time it's used. The barn is kept clean for your use, and your horse's stall is cleaned and re-bedded daily, the water buckets are cleaned daily, the feed buckets are cleaned daily, and your horse deserves the same from you.

We have tired various combinations of self-board and self-care, and the problems associated with those sitatuions drove us crazy. We have a long list of people wanting to get into our barn, but we have very few vacancies. We also "vet" the people who do come in, to ensure that they fit into the gropu well and that all of us approach the care and training of our horses from the same standpoint. Not all of our boarders compete, and that's fine with us, but their standards of care have to be the same as ours, or it just won't work.

I hope this helps!
interesting..sounds like you have a top notch facility! I have been a stable hand for many barns like yours, and they seem to never run out of clients.. I now keep my horses at home, and haul in when ever I need to ride, I like the "personal" feel I get for being there to feed them, and water them, and pick the poo..

It sounds to me that the horses that get to live at your barn are truly fortunate.
I boarded horses and I fed and cleaned and luckily the people came and saw the horses every day for extra stuff... at my place, I rent you the dirt to have your own experience with your horse and share my barn with you, but I want you to have relationship with your horse so you must come daily... the most horses I've had at a time are 2..... I don't have any horses at my house right now, just my 2 and that's okay too.... they come and go and I just do the best I can to feed and clean up....
sounds good. I was just wondering on this forum and others who complain about there hard to keep horses not getting enough food or vice versa on easy keepers getting to much feed, when they only pay a certain amount..IE At my boarder barn, there is $175.00 for free range, 300.00 for private paddock, and 400.00 for a stall, then if you want horse to eat more than hay, you purchase it and the BO will give it to your horse fi they are ina rpivate setting, if they are not its thewoners responsiblity.

there is nothing more irratating to me but hear people complain about their horse not getting enough, to much, ect ect when they are on free range..CHANGE IT. You get what you pay for, and Barn Owners are bussiness men too both come into mind when I hear people complain.
I honestly think when people complain that they should just take care of their own horses themselves.. that's why I didn't do ANYTHING for them beyond feeding and cleaning. ... i have a small yard with 3 barns on it and I rent to a lady that has 4 horses and she rents the whole place from me for $475 a month and she has the place to herself and takes care of her own horses every day.... that's when I decided I liked that better.. here are your stalls, your tack room and your turn out and no, I don't do anything for you... just give you a place to care for your horse.... and still, people complained... one person was a family member that didn't pay anything.. made me pretty much sick so I quit... the amount of work would forever outweigh the pay..


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