Hi all


this is probably a stupid question but I have heard so many horse whisperers it is not funny. So I was just wondering if anyone new the real horse whisperer.


Thanx for writting back




Have a great day :)

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I think the term was originally used to describe John S. Rarey, an American "horse tamer". After working in the USA Rarey went to England where he tamed the most vicious stallion of the day, a TB (I think) stallion named Crusader, who had already killed three grooms and was considered totally unmanageable and extremely dangerous to handle. Rarey took Crusader into a stall, and walked out an hour later with Crusader completely tame and safe to handle. Since Rarey did not make any noise, he was called a horse whisperer. I am sure that there were previous horse whisperers before him, but Rarey was the most famous one. Rarey wrote the book "The Art of Taming Horses."
There were several other "horse tamers" in the USA, Jesse Beery was one, he had a correspondence course he sold of his training methods (still available through http://horsetrainingresources.com), and he had a school where he trained young men to train horses properly. Wallace was also an American, he also wrote a book, and I am sure that there were several others.
In England M. Horace Hayes also worked as a "horse tamer", and his methods are described in his book "Illustrated Horse Training".
These horse tamers/whisperers would often go around to towns, advertise for the most vicious horses to come to their clinic, and then "tame" these horses in public. Rarey, on the other hand insisted on complete privacy for his work.
These books are often found on amazon.com.
Thanx everyone for replying. But I have one more question does anyone know a horse trainer in Australia????
If not that is fine

Thanx again

Hi Kristal, Geoffrey Pannell is a horse trainer and coach in Australia and he is also an active member here. Just search for his name under Members.
Good luck! :)
Gee thanks for the plug Barbara, but I don't think I'll put myself in the same class as some of the names Justice or Jackie put up lol!! Dr Andrew Mclean is another trainer in Australia of note, he has written a book called Horse training the Mclean way; the science behind the art. I strongly suggest you try and get a hold of that one Kristal. Cheers Geoffrey
Kristal which state are you mate..might be able to give you some names...
A real hoarse whisperer is someone with a sore throat...oh...wait...wrong kind of horse...lol.
When you ask for 'the' real horse whisperer rather then 'a' horse whisperer I wonder if you are referring to the movie 'The Horse Whisperer' with Robert Redford as Tom Booker.
The book "The Horse Whisperer" that this movie was based on was written by Nicholas Evans. Nicholas Evans is quoted on the front of another book as saying, "Others have falsely claimed to be the inspiration for Tom Booker in 'The Horse Whisperer'. The one who truly inspired me was Buck Brannaman."
The book that has this quote written on the book jacket is "Believe--A Horseman's Journey" and it is written by Buck Brannaman and William Reynolds.
With that said, there are many people that call themselves a horse whisperer and many that call others a horse whisperer. Soooo, if you don't mean the horse whisperer in the movie and book that are named the same then take your pick from all of these various answers from others.
Personally I'm appreciative to anyone that can relate to a horse in a kind and gentle manner with no mis-treatment of the horse and yet have a very effective result by ending up with a wonderful partnership & communication between the horse and the human.
Whispering works...... I am happy to report.....:) my mustang Oliver really responds well to the training that I have developed which is very slow, low energy, slight movements, precise body positioning..... he is so sweet and gentle.... I haven't really had the pleasure of watching or reading about many whisperers, but I knew that horses would respond to slight, non verbal gestures....... I'm not saying I am a horse whisperer, but I intend to keep working on this method just as an experiment to myself.... so those that paved the way, thank you... my favorite trainer, that seems to have the fine art of being kind and gentle to a horse is Mr. Irwin... Thanks Chris.... Jen and Oliver...
Thank you Shirley, for getting it right! It's hard to believe the number of people who think either that Mony Roberts wrote that book or that the book was written about him - he's even claimed that the book is about him! Did you know that the main horse they used in the movie actually belonged to Buck Brannaman?
Lisa, Nope I never heard that the horse belonged to Buck Brannaman.
Buck is doing a cliinic in Bar Harbor, Mi. this week-end and I'm planning on going a couple of days as an auditor. I've just heard so much about him that I'd like to observe him live. The trees should be turning color too so it should be a pretty drive. Not sure if we can make it happen but I'm hoping..


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